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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team recently updated the Forbes Global 2000 Largest Public Companies data to reflect the most current year. This includes the value of sales, profits, assets, and market value for each of the listed corporations. Collectively, these 2000 publicly traded companies account for $39.1 trillion in sales, $3.2 trillion in profit, $189 trillion in assets, and $56.1 trillion in market value. The strong global economic expansion of the past year has seen all of these metrics as compared to last years data.

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ºìÌÒÊÓƵ has added a Best Countries Index to our Country Indices pages. The index, compiled using data from the , assigns a ranking and score to 80 separate countries, based on how global perceptions on a variety of attributes could potentially increase trade, travel, and investment in each country. The information also takes into account how these perceptions could potentially affect the national economy of each country. The factors considered are qualitative instead of quantitative, giving varying amounts of weight to these subrankings: adventure, citizenship, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, heritage, movers, open for business, power, and quality of life. Check out our new indices today.

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Forbes released the 2017 rankings for the , or the Global 2000, on Wednesday, May 24. Company rankings are composite scores determined by weighing sales, profits, assets, and market value. The United States contributes the most companies to the list with 565 members. China and Hong Kong supply the second largest with 263 companies. According to , “the world’s biggest companies have gotten bigger, more profitable and more valuable in the past year. 58 countries were represented, down from last year's 62 with Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Romania and Malta no longer boasting companies on the list.”

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team is excited to share the new Business Hindi Resource Guide. The project, funded by a grant from the , was developed by the to provide students applying for jobs and internships in India with necessary cultural and linguistic tools. The guide contains seven modules, covering topics such as socio-cultural etiquette, conversations in socio-business situations, business culture etiquette, and reading and interpreting job announcements. The resource guide also includes sample resume formats, sample cover letters, and a glossary of Hindi business terms. Click here to read the guide.

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Are you interested in seeing how countries compare based on corruption, global connectedness, ease of doing business, and other key indicators?  Our newly updated country indices pages will allow you to do just that. Each country’s page lists a number of indices that display its score for a given index and its ranking relative to other countries. By clicking "View Heat Map", you can also see how countries compare on a visual heat map and table of scores. Check out Australia's page to see the updates made to the design and indices data!

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team is proud to announce that we have revamped our website with a completely new design. We hope the new website will be easier for our users to maneuver while also better highlighting the sections of the site we feel are most useful. The new panel on the home page is part of this effort, and each week we will use this area to direct users to different areas of the site.

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Sarah Singer, assistant director at the International Business Center at Michigan State University and manager of ºìÌÒÊÓƵ, was recently to discuss how ºìÌÒÊÓƵ can assist in market research for exporters. Highlighted in the discussion were especially useful resources for exporters on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ, such as our , country , and country . Sarah also offered advice for exporters who want to research potential new markets, and how ºìÌÒÊÓƵ can be an important tool for this research.

A link to the interview is available here: 

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Have you visited the recently? In last week's segments, Tomas Hult discussed a wide range of topics, including the refugee crisis and its impact on , relationship with the , and the current dynamics between the and . The Business Beat is hosted by Dr. Tomas Hult of the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University, and consists of brief audio segments that drive into current topics impacting the international business world. You can view past segments by date or by  on our .

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The features brief audio segments covering a wide range of international business topics. Hosted by Dr. Tomas Hult of Michigan State University, the Business Beat helps keep listeners up to date with global business news. In last week’s segments, Tomas discussed the U.S. Department of Education’s CIBER program, entrepreneurship, the customer service aspect of marketing, and Michigan State’s marketing and management programs. You can also check out the Business Beat archives, where you can view past segments by date or .

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Have you had the chance to visit the recently? These brief audio segments feature conversations between ºìÌÒÊÓƵ Director Tomas Hult and prominent members of the international business community, covering a wide variety of interesting topics. In the most recent segments, Tomas talks with both of Michigan’s US senators, Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, on the auto industry and education.

Visit the page today to hear from experts in the realm of global business and to expand your international business knowledge!

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The latest segments from the take a look at a new business trade book, Second Shift: The Inside Story of the Keep GM Movement. Tomas Hult, along with David Hollister, Ray Tadgerson, and David Closs, wrote the book detailing how Lansing, was able to save its auto plant from closing. The from the Business Beat feature Tomas Hult discussing the book and with each of the co-authors, examining how the Second Shift Model was successful and pointing out key takeaways for others in the business world.

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In the latest , MSU's International Business Center Director talks with 5 guests on a wide range of interesting topics. Included are discussions on voluntary green programs and their implications, customer satisfaction and its impact on stock returns, innovation inside companies, and the current state of international trade agreements. Check out the new segments to gain insights into the international business world!

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Have you visited the recently? The Business Beat, hosted by Tomas Hult, is a great way learn about current topics related to international business and covers a wide variety of interesting topics. The latest topics include globalization in the Greater Lansing area, infrastructure development, Vector Marketing, and entrepreneurship. Check out the page today!

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Have you been gotten the chance to visit the lately? The , hosted by Tomas Hult, is a great way to gain in depth knowledge on current topics in the business world, and the latest segments cover a wide variety of interesting topics. Topics for May include the uniqueness of both culturally and economically, the Global Business School Network and its impact on business schools around the world, the American Marketing Association, and more. Make sure you check out the page today!

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Have you visited the lately? The latest segments feature a variety of interesting topics related to international business and trade. Specifically, the latest segments cover the evolving relationship between and the , the UK referendum on EU membership, the status of the United States’ relationship with , Turkey’s involvement in the refugee crisis, and more. Be sure to visit the today to get an in-depth look at the aforementioned current topics in international business. 

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team has added a new market to the  section. The section is brand new and highlights the world's most developed countries, based on the . A section provides data on 17 different fields for each of the mature market countries, allowing users to compare countries with one another along with a market average. There is also a tab that allows users to compare credit risk and economic risk among mature market countries. A segment is provided to offer access to outside mature and developed market resources. Make sure to check out the mature markets section today, along with the and markets sections under ºìÌÒÊÓƵ’s economic classification section.

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Two new U.S. International Trade Administration (ITA) resources are now available on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ and they can be found in the  of the  of ºìÌÒÊÓƵ.

ITA Trade Leads provide contract opportunities for selling their products and services overseas. This new resource is particularly important for U.S. businesses because it’s often difficult for them to learn about overseas opportunities, especially those within complex industries where partnerships and sub-contracts are the norms. Currently, these leads come from six different sources and are updated daily. Users can browse through all of the available trade leads for a certain country or search the leads using keywords.

ITA Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items. This resource conducts electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions. In the event that a company, entity, or person on the list appears to match a party potentially involved in your export transaction, additional due diligence should be conducted before proceeding. CSL is a collection of eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury, and it is updated daily. Lists of screened companies, entities, and individuals can be browsed by country or can be searched by keywords.

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team is excited to introduce our newly redesigned country risk pages. Each country risk page can be accessed individually for via the . These new pages now allow users to not only see both the country risk and business climate risk for each country, but also compare that risk rating to other countries around the globe using an interactive map, color-coded by risk rating. Users can also read about each country’s strengths and weaknesses which contribute to the risk, as well as current economic and financial trends occurring in the country. Check out these to learn about country risk and business climate today! 

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Do you need to find the U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) that covers a certain ZIP code area in the United States? Then this new ºìÌÒÊÓƵ resource is just what you need. The new ‘Look Up’ tool, located in the page of the section, helps you search for any ZIP code within the , and provides you with the contact information of the USEAC office(s) that covers that particular ZIP Code area. There are more than 100 USEACs located across the United States, and the centers assist U.S. businesses that are new to exporting, want to expand to additional export markets, or want to increase their market share in existing markets. USEACs also connect local U.S. companies with additional international trade resources, as well as work closely with the and the to counsel clients on export finance options.

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A new segment has just been added to the resource tab of the within the section of ºìÌÒÊÓƵ. For all countries with available information, the U.S. International Trade Administration (ITA) Offices resource has just been added and now provides user with contact and address information for almost 200 ITA centers worldwide. For example, the  tab has information for every ITA office located within the U.S. The ITA provides companies with advice on exporting, international sales, logistics, finance, and trade dispute resolutions. This has the potential to become a very useful resource for ºìÌÒÊÓƵ users of any kind. From a company trying to contact an ITA office for advice or help to a student doing research, having access to the ITA offices around the world opens many doors and allows ºìÌÒÊÓƵ to bring even more global business knowledge to its users.

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team is excited to announce that we have successfully added new trade blocs, as well as redesigned the layout for many of the sections related to trade blocs. If you look at the , you will notice that there are 10 new trade blocs: ANCOM, APTA, the Arab League, CEFTA, EAC, EAEU, ECCAS, EFTA, OECS, and SAARC. By clicking on each individual bloc, you will also notice that we have redesigned the Introduction, History, Membership, Related Agreements, and Statistics pages. Users will now be able to gain an in-depth perspective of how much aggregated trade occurs because of these blocs, as well as how much each member country contributes to the bloc as a whole. Make sure to check out this new section today!

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team is excited to introduce a new resource that has been added to the site. is an economic index study on the correlation between economic success and property rights. The study includes physical and intellectual property rights data for 94 countries. There has been ever increasing evidence of the strong correlation between economic freedom and the protection of property rights, and The 2014 International Property Rights Index demonstrates this correlation. Developing countries tend to struggle with individual property rights, while developed countries lead the way with intellectual and physical property rights. Individually, country rankings can be found in the section of the country pages. The complete list of data can be found by gaining access to The Database of International Business Statistics ().

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Our have undergone a redesign and the new pages are now available on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ! These pages can be accessed individually for each state via the . These new pages highlight important trade figures and data for all the states, and help compare trade volumes between states. Specifically, each state trade statistics page includes figures for total trade, top exporters, and top importers, as well as the most commonly imported and exported goods. The page also includes figures about the impact of trade on the various states’ economies. Be sure to check out these new pages to expand your global business knowledge!

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The ºìÌÒÊÓƵ team has added another new section to its recent developments. The section has now been published and can be accessed via the ºìÌÒÊÓƵ menu! Currently the new section has two groups of countries defined: emerging markets and frontier markets. This new section highlights where the emerging and frontier markets stand in comparison to the least and most developed markets in the world. Furthermore, the provides information on a selection of indicators, which visually helps to compare group countries with one another. A is also available, where two group countries’ economies and credit risk assessments can be compared. The new section also lists resources related to emerging and frontier markets. Make sure to check out our new section today!

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Are you curious about what the population growth rate is in ? How about the oil exports from or the renewable energy generation in ? These questions are all answered in the redesigned country statistics pages on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ. These pages contain statistics that are broken down into four categories: people, energy, technology and infrastructure, and geography and environment. Learn more about a country you are interested in by checking out the new country statistics pages today!

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The New Year has brought change to ºìÌÒÊÓƵ! Our industry trade statistics pages have undergone a redesign and the new pages are now available on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ. These new pages highlight important trade figures and data for a variety of , including , , , and . Specifically, each industry trade statistics page includes figures for total trade, top exporters, and top importers, as well as the most commonly imported and exported goods. Be sure to check out these new pages and expand your global business knowledge!

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The Michigan State University International Business Center is pleased to introduce a new resource that is now available on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ – the 2015 Nationwide Benchmarking Report on International Business Education at Community Colleges. This resource can be found in the , which features resources related to Community College programs, syllabi, conferences, , and more. The delves into a variety of factors related to international business education in the and aims to reveal the prevalence of international education at the Community College level.

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Found under the of ºìÌÒÊÓƵ’s , the report offers in-depth information on charitable contributions made by the United Kingdom’s largest companies. The report is provided by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and contains data related to corporate philanthropy, as well as emphasizes the importance of transparent social responsibility. This resource also aims to bridge the gap between what businesses are actually doing in terms of corporate giving and the public’s perception of these corporations’ charitable actions.

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In the midst of an autumn season consisting of changing leaves, dropping temperatures, and , the have now officially been published! The intention of redesigning the former government pages was not only to provide key information and data in a user-friendly format, but to highlight the aspects of foreign governments that are the most important with regards to international business as well. With this in mind, the new pages include "Government Control of Economy" and "Political Risk" indicators, general tax information, and also information on foreign policy trends, regional trade bloc memberships, and security treaties that . Furthermore, the pages also include information on the main powers of foreign governments, election processes and cycles of a country's political branches, and information on a country's heads of state and government, constitution, and government type.

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At ºìÌÒÊÓƵ we are dedicated to providing important international business information to our users all around the world. For this reason, we have developed for each country on our site. The country trade statistics pages on ºìÌÒÊÓƵ have just been updated to provide a visually appealing interface with easy-to-use features. On , you can view a country’s rank in terms of exports, imports, or trade balance. Additionally, top ten trade partners and export/import commodities for each country are provided in both a chart and table format for easy comparison.

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The have been redesigned to provide additional economic information covering the entire spectrum of a country’s economy. The new pages have an interactive interface, where you can find the major economic indicators of a country alongside time series graphs of these selected indicators. The page showcases reliable economic information from various globally known organizations. There are six different sections on the new page including economic facts, GDP figures, economic indicators, labor & employment figures, and trade values. A radar graph is available in the last section, where the economic snapshots of countries are represented using a percentile rank system on six different dimensions. The radar graph may be utilized as a useful tool to compare the economies of countries.

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A new update has come to ºìÌÒÊÓƵ's ! The team has worked to change the History pages, originally long paragraphs about the country's histories, into accessible timelines. These timelines detail  significant economic, political, and social events that happened to each country throughout their histories and arranges them chronologically. Each country's history page has been updated accordingly and in a manner that is accessible to all readers. Check out the new history pages today!