The Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) is a member of the International Astronautical Federation. ASAL is responsible for developing space programs in Algeria and gaining independence in satellite design. Only available in French.

Argentina's National Space Activities Commission, also known as Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), represents the nation's civil research and development capabilities in space activities. CONAE develops advanced space technology, enhances economic and human resources, and builds international space cooperation. The site is only available in Spanish.

The Australian Department of Defence was created to protect Australia's national interests and promote peace and security internationally. The department includes the navy, army, and air force. Their webpage provides reports and publications, a section with information on possible careers, updates on the industry and their contracts, and a large number of media and news reports on the department.

The Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan Republic is responsible for implementing the policy regarding national defense, aviation, communication and radio-electronics, and engineering. The site provides information about various enterprises, production, e-services, and recent news. The site also provides useful country resources regarding information on national leadership.

The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) is responsible for formulating and coordinating the Brazilian space policy. AEB promotes the autonomy and development of the space industry. The site is only available in Portuguese.

The priorities of the Bulgarian Space Research and Technology Institute (SRTI-BAS) are to research solar-terrestrial and space physics, research and design remote sensing of the Earth, and research new space technologies. The site provides information on their research projects and events.

Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) provides advice and support to the minister of national defense. They also implement the government's decisions on the security of Canada and of Canadian interests at home and abroad. The site provides information about doing business with DND and investing in the Canadian Armed Forces. The website is available in English and French.

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) promotes the peaceful use and development of space to advance the knowledge of space through science. The CSA site provides information regarding its activity sectors, multimedia, resources, and recent space-related news. 

The National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark aims to create and expand knowledge about Earth and space physics as well as related space technologies. The institute fosters scientific research within Earth and space physics, provides technological research, and creates educational opportunities for new scientists and engineers. The website provides research information to its users as well as educational material. A news section also provides users with recent articles, photos, and videos related to the aerospace industry in Denmark.

The Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA) is in charge of the administration and execution of the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Program. They conduct scientific research on planetary and space sciences and push forward the development of science in the educational system in Ecuador. The EXA website contains information about the space program and its history, missions, astronauts, satellites, and services the agency provides. 

Egypt's National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) is the pioneering Egyptian institution in the field of satellite remote sensing. The sector of remote sensing works on data provided by earth observation satellites to produce maps and spatial data for the evaluation of natural resources and natural hazards. The space science sector develops sensors for earth observation to be mounted on satellites, and it also deals with problems involving communication with satellites.

The European Space Agency's (ESA) mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capabilities. The ESA's programs are designed to find out more about the Earth and the Solar System. They also develop satellite-based technologies and services, as well as promote European industries.

DLR, the German Aerospace Center, is Germany‘s national research center for aeronautics and space. Their research also includes the fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, defense, and security. DLR conducts research into Earth and the solar system; it delivers important data for the preservation of our environment and develops environment-friendly technologies to enhance power supply, mobility, communication, and security. The DLR website provides overviews of their responsibilities in aeronautics, space, transport, energy, and security. Recent news related to the DLR, as well as information about its previous and current missions, is also available on the site. 

The mission of Ireland's Department of Defence is to provide for the military defense of Ireland and to contribute to national and international peace and security. The site includes publications, press releases, and news.

The Israeli Space Agency (ISA) is a part of Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology. The ISA promotes both academic research and research institutes to support the development of innovative space technologies as well as to create the next reserve of scientists in space research and education.

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) is a significant player in space science, satellite technology, and the development of mobile systems for exploring the universe. The site provides users with educational information as well as current news, missions and projects, and a deeper look into the agency.  Some parts of the site are only available in Italian.

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) specializes in space development, as well as aviation research and development. Exploring space and pursuing aerospace fields are JAXA's greatest missions. The site includes topics, press releases, missions, and global activities.

The Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) is responsible for developing the country's potential in the space sector to support economic development, generate knowledge, and strengthen national security infrastructure. The MYSA site provides users with information regarding space science, current programs, and technology. Although an English version of this site is available, some portions of the site are only available in Malay.

The Norwegian Ministry of Defence is responsible for drafting, implementing, and forming security and defense policies. This site includes current news headlines, information on topics related to the Norwegian defense industry, official documents, and press releases on the industry.

The Norwegian Space Centre (NSC) promotes the development of national space activities. The main goals of the NSC are to create annual growth in the space sector, attain an international position in space research, and maintain national interests in the European Space Agency. News regarding the NSC, as well as other space-related activities, is available on the website.

The National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development of Peru, also known as la Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA), promotes the research and development of science and space technology. Its website overviews the commission's functions, projects, and news. Only available in Spanish.

The Space Research Centre (CBK-PAN) in Poland is an institute that studies terrestrial space, bodies of the solar system, and Earth itself with the use of space and satellite technology. The Space Research Centre conducts research papers, participates in international space missions, and constructs space technology. The site offers various information including its history, research publications, technology projects, and doctoral studies.

The main mission of the FCT Space Office, also known as Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, is to fully explore the benefits of the Portuguese participation in European space programs. The FCT Space Office monitors the participation of Portuguese academia in space programs and contributes to the maintenance of the European Space Agency and other international space organizations. The site provides a general overview of the organization's structure, purpose, and governing bodies. Related statistics and history are also archived. Some aspects of the site are only available in Portuguese.

The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) is the national coordinating body of space activities. The missions of ROSA are to promote development in the space field and promote international cooperation. ROSA is developing its own research and development projects.

The Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy's (BIRA-IASB) main tasks are research and public service in space aeronomy. BIRA-IASB designs instruments to monitor atmospheres and the space environment. They also operate Belgian experiments on many international satellites. The site includes a research section covering the solar system, global change, and space missions.

The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) specializes in aerospace research and technology development in Spain. It provides technical and consulting services to other agencies and companies, and it serves as a technological center for the Ministry of Defense in Spain. The INTA website provides information about the agency's capacities and the various sectors it serves. A limited portion of the website is available in English.

The Ministry of Defence is responsible for setting Sweden's defense policy, promoting peace and international cooperation, and preparing the country's defense system for potential threats and conflicts. The ministry's website provides an overview of its responsibilities and recent news articles related to defense.

The Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) is responsible for national and international space and remote sensing activities, primarily research and development. The three main tasks of the SNSA are to distribute government grants for space research, initiate space research, and act as Swedish contacts for international cooperation. The site provides information about space activities, the space industry, and research in Sweden.

The Swiss Space Center aims to perform research that benefits the daily lives of those in Switzerland and increase technological precision. Its website contains recent center and space-related news, upcoming events, and information for students and professionals. 

The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) was established to develop space technology and geo-informatics that are beneficial to Thailand's development and the general public. GISTDA delivers values from space by developing satellite databases and providing data services relating to space technology and geo-informatics.

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBÄ°TAK) is the leading agency for management, funding, and research in Turkey. The mission is to advance science and technology by researching projects carried out in private and public organizations, conducting research on strategic areas, and developing support programs for science research. The TÜBÄ°TAK site contains information about the council itself in regard to funds, scholarships, and research and development activities. Users can also find announcements, publications, and information about science olympiads and fairs on this website. 

The UAE Space Agency is a federal agency that is in charge of regulating outer space technologies and missions conducted by the United Arab Emirates. Its official website includes information on strategy, the space industry, missions, and initiatives. Press releases, a newsletter, and publications are also available. 

The mission of the UK Space Agency (UKSA) is to ensure that the UK grows a strategic capability in space-based systems, technologies, and science. This agency is at the heart of UK efforts to explore and benefit from space. The UK Space Agency leads the UK's civil space program in order to win sustainable economic growth, secure new scientific knowledge, and provide benefits to all citizens. The site includes educational resources, information about licensing, descriptions of missions and programs, and funding opportunities.

The Ministry of Defence's (MOD) main mission is to protect the United Kingdom and provide a guarantee of security and independence, while also projecting its values and interests abroad. Their responsibilities include information on air safety and aviation, defense estate, military equipment, and environmental protection.

The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) was created by the United Nations to review the scope of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space. They also devise programs for the member states to partake in, and they encourage research on outer space matters.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) implements the decisions of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The office assists developing countries in using space technology for development. In addition, it follows scientific and technical developments relating to space activities, technology, and applications in order to provide information to member states.

The United Rocket and Space Corporation of Russia is responsible for the administration of space assets, which includes preserving the Roscomos space agency which manages joint space projects and programs. The goal of the organization is to renationalize the Russian space sector and develop complex technology to support the activities of rocket and space industry entities.

The goal of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the country's security. The main priorities of the DOD are the protection of the country, its citizens, and its resources. The site provides news and articles on the top issues facing the Department of Defense and links to all other DOD websites.

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a vital mission to secure the nation from potential threats it faces. The duties of the department are wide-ranging and include aviation and border security, emergency response, and chemical facility inspection. On the site, users can browse topics related to homeland security, find ways to get involved and search for information on how to carry out specific tasks, including becoming a citizen, getting a green card, and moving to the US.

The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducts its work in the four principal organizations of aeronautics, human exploration and operations, science, and space technology. All of these missions are centered around the exploration of the Earth and the solar system beyond. On the site, there are resources for the public, students, educators, and the media.