Key Figures

Chief of State:
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Head of Government:
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador


Government Name:
United Mexican States
Formed: 1918; Sets out social rights and displays profound changes in Mexican political philosophy in comparison to previous Mexican Constitutions.
Government Type:
Federal Republic
United Mexican States Flag
Coat of Arms of United Mexican States

Index of Economic Freedom

Grades each country on a scale of 0 to 100, based on ten freedoms, with 100 representing the greatest amount of economic autonomy from government intervention. Source: (2023)

Country Risk Rating

Political and economic uncertainties and an occasionally difficult business environment can affect corporate payment behavior. Corporate default probability is appreciable. Source: (2024)

Government Branches

Main Powers Election Process Election Cycle 1

The president elects various government officials, acts as commander-in-chief, negotiates foreign treaties, may veto laws, and introduces bills into congress for their consideration.

Elected by plurality vote.

6 years


Highest federal court.

Judges proposed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

15 years


The Senate addresses all matters concerning foreign policy, approves international agreements, and confirms presidential appointments. The Chamber of Deputies has the right to pass laws, impose taxes, declare war, approve the national budget, approve or reject treaties and conventions made with foreign countries, and ratify diplomatic appointments.

Congress of the Senate has 96 members elected by plurality vote in multi-member constituencies, and 32 members elected through a closed-list proportional representation system. Chamber of Deputies consists of 300 members elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies, and 200 members elected through a closed-list proportional representation system.

3 years

Regional Trade Blocs

International Organization Participation [2]

Environmental Agreements [3]

Tax Information [2]

Tax Authority:
Ministry of Finance and Public Credit
Tax Name:


  1. ElectionGuide
  2. EY,
  3. CIA World Factbook,
  4. U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets