Exporter Rank

114 / 138

Importer Rank

110 / 138

Trade Balance Rank

82 / 138

Total Trade [1]

Total Exports (2021) $1,671,760,288
Total Imports (2021) $5,147,263,213
Trade Balance (2021) ($3,475,502,925)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 56.16%
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 63.11%

Trade Partners [1]

Export Partners

Top 10 Export Countries

Country Export USD$
South Africa $232,251,375
France $226,148,853
United Kingdom $152,742,406
United States $135,468,144
Madagascar $129,212,667
Spain $82,853,195
Italy $79,487,941
Netherlands $69,076,626
Vietnam $65,974,870
Kenya $50,717,848

Import Partners

Top 10 Import Countries

Country Import USD$
China $914,506,161
India $802,443,821
United Arab Emirates $443,422,606
South Africa $411,896,829
France $345,184,911
Germany $139,792,151
Japan $124,696,997
Turkey $123,517,188
United States $119,084,372
Italy $116,246,461

Traded Goods [1] (at the 2-digit HS Code level)

Top 10 Export Goods

HS Code Export USD$
(61) Apparel: Knit $231,863,750
(16) Prepared Meats $225,204,595
(62) Apparel: Non Knit $179,019,010
(17) Sugar & Confectionery $169,105,888
(71) Precious Stones & Metals $97,174,773
(60) Knitted Fabrics $67,718,726
(03) Seafood $66,205,153
(90) Precision Instruments $57,927,204
(01) Live Animals $49,082,451
(52) Cotton $35,931,686

Top 10 Import Goods

HS Code Import USD$
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $878,452,137
(84) Industrial Machinery $357,663,316
(87) Motor Vehicles & Parts $318,944,892
(85) Electrical Machinery $308,698,422
(30) Pharmaceuticals $243,137,581
(03) Seafood $208,519,338
(39) Plastics $155,042,479
(71) Precious Stones & Metals $131,651,370
(52) Cotton $128,043,667
(10) Cereals $127,906,478


  1. (2021) except where stated otherwise.
  2. . Accessed: 10/8/2023