• The French East India Company claims Mauritius, renaming it Ille de France.

  • The French East India Company sells Mauritius, and the control of the island is transferred to the French government.

  • Under the Treaty of Paris, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Rodrigues are ceded to Britain.

  • After the Anopheles mosquito is accidentally introduced, a malaria epidemic kills over 40,000 people.

  • The official currency of Mauritius becomes the Indian Rupee.

  • Cyclone Carol hits the islands of Mauritius, causing massive devastation and leaving thousands homeless, prompting a housing revolution.

  • Mauritius gains full independence from Britain and joins the British Commonwealth.

  • The first export processing zone is created, causing the development of the textiles sector and creating nearly 64,000 jobs.

  • Tropical storm Claudette causes massive devastation on the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. Mauritius approaches the IMF and the World Bank for assistance due to the country having a deficit of $111 million.

  • The Stock Exchange of Mauritius is opened in Port Louis, and is considered to be one of the leading exchanges in Africa and is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges.

  • A "Cyber Cities" plan is launched to create concentrations of high-tech facilities, and help boost the economy.
