Brazil: History
The arrive in modern day Brazil and claim the area for the Portuguese crown.
Brazil declares itself independent from .
The abolishment of slavery has a substantial impact on Brazil's national .
The existing monarchy is overthrown and a federal republic is established with a central government controlled largely by coffee interests.
Getulio Vargas begins rule as dictator and places government control over the private with a focus on industrialization and reducing foreign influence.
Juscelino Kubitschek is elected president. During his term, he pushed for the development of Brazil's heavy industries and infrastructure, which in turn contributed to rapid inflation.
Brazil halts payments on its main foreign debt, which at the time is among the largest in the world.
The Cruzado Plan is introduced, freezing prices and wages in an effort to curb inflation. However, inflation skyrockets once the freeze is lifted.
The Collor Plan is introduced. The plan combines fiscal and trade liberalization with radical inflation stabilization measures. Despite these radical changes, inflation remains out of control.
The provides a rescue package after Brazil’s economy is hit hard by the collapse of Asian stock markets.
Brazil's government expects to spend $40 billion over seven years on roads, railways, hydroelectric projects, and housing in the Amazon basin.
Brazil鈥檚 currency hits an all-time low and financial markets panic in anticipation of the first left-wing president and government elected in the last 40 years.
Brazil turns down an invitation to join the.
The halts imports of Brazilian beef, citing unacceptable health regulations.
Brazil offers $10 billion to the to help improve the availability of credit in developing countries.
Brazil approves the construction of the Belo Monte Dam, a project estimated to cost $18.5 billion.
To safeguard against global financial crises and ensure smooth bilateral trade, Brazil and sign a currency swap agreement worth up to $30 billion.
Violent anti-austerity protests happen outside Brazilian Congress.
President Bolsonaro refuses to support measures halting the spread of the COVID-19 virus, causing controversy throughout the country.