• A ministerial meeting is held in Lusaka, Zambia, for the consideration of organization proposals.
  • The recommendation for the creation of a sub-regional Preferential Trade Area is made during a meeting of Ministers of Trade, Finance, and Planning in Lusaka, Zambia.
  • A treaty to establish a Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa in Lusaka, Zambia is signed.
  • The Preferential Trade Area Treaty is ratified.
  • The COMESA Treaty is signed by 16 founding members in Kampala, Uganda.
  • Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and Tanzania join COMESA.
  • The COMESA Treaty is ratified in Lilongwe, Malawi.
  • Lesotho and Mozambique withdraw from COMESA.
  • Egypt joins COMESA.
  • COMESA, as a member of the Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States sign the Cotonou Agreement with the European Union in Cotonou, Benin.
  • Tanzania leaves COMESA.
  • Seychelles joins COMESA.
  • Namibia leaves COMESA.
  • Libya joins COMESA.
  • Angola suspends itself from COMESA.
  • The non-reciprocity of the original Cotonou Agreement is transformed into an Economic Partnership Agreement.
  • COMESA holds the 13th Meeting of the COMESA Committee of Governors of Central Banks in Cairo, Egypt, where the decision to create the COMESA Monetary Institute (CMI) is made.
  • The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Monetary Institute (CMI) is officially launched on March 7, 2011 at the Kenya School for Monetary Studies in Nairobi.
  • COMESA signs contracts appointing a team of advisors who will work to assist the trade bloc in raising $1 billion to fund the COMESA Infrastructure Fund.
  • The COMESA Innovation Council is inaugurated.
  • COMESA, EAC, and SADC launch a Tripartite Capacity Building Programme to increase trade within the three blocs.
  • COMESA and International Trade Center sign a pact to boost intra-Africa trade.


Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA:

International Labour Office:

The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States:

TradeMark Southern Africa:

TradeMark Southern Africa: