Florida: Corporations
Fortune 1000 Rankings (2020) [1]
All Dollar Values are in USD Millions
Company |
ºìÌÒÊÓƵ Industry |
Rank | Revenue | Profits | Assets |
Market Value |
City |
Retail | 87 | $38,463 | $3,005 | $24,507 | - | Lakeland | |
Technology | 90 | $36,998 | $375 | $13,269 | - | Clearwater | |
Energy | 91 | $36,819 | $179 | $5,992 | $1,489 | Miami | |
Technology | 121 | $25,282 | $287 | $12,971 | $3,738 | St. Petersburg | |
Construction | 147 | $22,260 | $1,849 | $29,360 | $25,222 | Miami | |
Retail | 154 | $21,336 | $450 | $10,543 | $6,807 | Fort Lauderdale | |
Energy | 172 | $19,204 | $3,769 | $117,691 | $164,661 | Juno Beach | |
Aerospace and Defense | 250 | $12,856 | $1,333 | $38,336 | $48,000 | Melbourne | |
Business Services | 267 | $11,937 | $3,331 | $38,257 | $44,162 | Jacksonville | |
Consumer Products | 297 | $10,647 | $99 | $7,311 | $868 | Boca Raton | |
Business Services | 303 | $10,333 | $298 | $83,806 | $81,343 | Jacksonville | |
Retail | 326 | $9,779 | ($58) | $24,627 | $878 | Estero | |
Business Services | 354 | $8,926 | ($24) | $14,475 | $1,381 | Miami | |
Chemicals | 356 | $8,906 | ($1,067) | $19,299 | $4,098 | Plymouth | |
Hospitality and Travel | 372 | $8,510 | $713 | $5,893 | $6,580 | Orlando | |
Financial Services | 375 | $8,469 | $1,062 | $10,677 | $6,854 | Jacksonville | |
Financial Services | 396 | $8,023 | $1,034 | $38,830 | $8,803 | St. Petersburg | |
Construction | 430 | $7,183 | $392 | $4,997 | $2,507 | Coral Gables | |
Technology | 518 | $5,367 | $1,768 | $18,109 | $33,086 | Sarasota | |
Business Services | 541 | $5,126 | ($424) | $16,084 | $3,283 | Boca Raton | |
Retail | 559 | $4,847 | ($252) | $932 | $14,944 | Dania Beach | |
Public Services | 566 | $4,770 | $246 | $2,556 | $6,050 | Miami | |
Hospitality and Travel | 612 | $4,355 | - | $9,214 | $2,280 | Orlando | |
Hospitality and Travel | 628 | $4,139 | $131 | $3,593 | $621 | Tampa | |
Business Services | 635 | $4,090 | $228 | $1,428 | $3,785 | Jacksonville | |
Hospitality and Travel | 640 | $4,043 | $507 | $7,453 | $1,895 | Orlando | |
Hospitality and Travel | 658 | $3,831 | $335 | $7,043 | $2,715 | Miramar | |
Healthcare | 691 | $3,514 | ($1,498) | $4,146 | $981 | Sunrise | |
Construction | 725 | $3,340 | $57 | $2,218 | $810 | Palm Beach Gardens | |
Technology | 779 | $3,011 | $682 | $4,389 | $17,320 | Fort Lauderdale | |
Construction | 854 | $2,624 | $191 | $2,604 | $2,400 | Daytona Beach | |
Business Services | 878 | $2,478 | $167 | $4,318 | $1,474 | Boca Raton | |
Financial Services | 893 | $2,392 | $399 | $7,623 | $10,269 | Daytona Beach | |
Financial Services | 933 | $2,240 | $16 | $7,654 | $2,831 | West Palm Beach | |
Aerospace and Defense | 977 | $2,056 | $328 | $2,969 | $9,185 | Hollywood | |
Apparel and Textiles | 985 | $2,038 | ($13) | $1,543 | $155 | Fort Myers | |
Financial Services | 994 | $2,015 | $147 | $9,760 | $30,218 | Boca Raton | |
Business Services | 997 | $1,999 | $48 | $3,817 | $591 | Bonita Springs | |
Retail | 87 | $38,462 | $3,005 | $24,507 | - | Lakeland | |
Technology | 90 | $36,998 | $374 | $13,268 | - | Clearwater | |
Energy | 91 | $36,819 | $178 | $5,992 | $1,489 | Miami | |
Technology | 121 | $25,282 | $287 | $12,970 | $3,738 | St. Petersburg | |
Construction | 147 | $22,259 | $1,849 | $29,359 | $25,222 | Miami | |
Retail | 154 | $21,335 | $450 | $10,543 | $6,807 | Fort Lauderdale | |
Energy | 172 | $19,204 | $3,769 | $117,691 | $164,661 | Juno Beach | |
Aerospace and Defense | 250 | $12,856 | $1,333 | $38,336 | $48,000 | Melbourne | |
Business Services | 267 | $11,937 | $3,331 | $38,257 | $44,161 | Jacksonville | |
Consumer Products | 297 | $10,647 | $99 | $7,311 | $867 | Boca Raton | |
Business Services | 303 | $10,333 | $298 | $83,806 | $81,343 | Jacksonville | |
Retail | 326 | $9,779 | ($58) | $24,627 | $878 | Estero | |
Business Services | 354 | $8,925 | ($24) | $14,475 | $1,380 | Miami | |
Chemicals | 356 | $8,906 | ($1,067) | $19,298 | $4,098 | Plymouth | |
Hospitality and Travel | 372 | $8,510 | $713 | $5,892 | $6,580 | Orlando | |
Financial Services | 375 | $8,469 | $1,062 | $10,677 | $6,854 | Jacksonville | |
Financial Services | 396 | $8,023 | $1,034 | $38,830 | $8,802 | St. Petersburg | |
Construction | 430 | $7,183 | $392 | $4,997 | $2,506 | Coral Gables | |
Technology | 518 | $5,366 | $1,767 | $18,108 | $33,086 | Sarasota | |
Business Services | 541 | $5,125 | ($424) | $16,083 | $3,282 | Boca Raton | |
Retail | 559 | $4,846 | ($252) | $932 | $14,943 | Dania Beach | |
Public Services | 566 | $4,770 | $246 | $2,556 | $6,049 | Miami | |
Hospitality and Travel | 612 | $4,355 | - | $9,214 | $2,280 | Orlando | |
Hospitality and Travel | 628 | $4,139 | $130 | $3,592 | $621 | Tampa | |
Business Services | 635 | $4,089 | $227 | $1,427 | $3,784 | Jacksonville | |
Hospitality and Travel | 640 | $4,043 | $507 | $7,453 | $1,894 | Orlando | |
Hospitality and Travel | 658 | $3,830 | $335 | $7,043 | $2,715 | Miramar | |
Healthcare | 691 | $3,513 | ($1,497) | $4,145 | $981 | Sunrise | |
Construction | 725 | $3,339 | $57 | $2,217 | $810 | Palm Beach Gardens | |
Technology | 779 | $3,010 | $681 | $4,388 | $17,319 | Fort Lauderdale | |
Construction | 854 | $2,624 | $191 | $2,604 | $2,400 | Daytona Beach | |
Business Services | 878 | $2,477 | $166 | $4,317 | $1,474 | Boca Raton | |
Financial Services | 893 | $2,392 | $398 | $7,622 | $10,269 | Daytona Beach | |
Financial Services | 933 | $2,239 | $15 | $7,653 | $2,830 | West Palm Beach | |
Aerospace and Defense | 977 | $2,055 | $327 | $2,969 | $9,184 | Hollywood | |
Apparel and Textiles | 985 | $2,037 | ($12) | $1,542 | $155 | Fort Myers | |
Financial Services | 994 | $2,014 | $147 | $9,759 | $30,217 | Boca Raton | |
Business Services | 997 | $1,999 | $47 | $3,817 | $590 | Bonita Springs |
Largest Private Companies (2020) [2]
Company | Rank | Revenue (USD) | City |
Publix Super Markets | 5 | $38,100,000,000 | Lakeland |
Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits | 17 | $20,000,000,000 | Miami |
JM Family Enterprises | 19 | $17,700,000,000 | Deerfield Beach |
Southeastern Grocer | 52 | $7,700,000,000 | Jacksonville |
Arthrex | 164 | $2,600,000,000 | Naples |
Red Lobster | 169 | $2,600,000,000 | Orlando |
Rooms To Go | 183 | $2,500,000,000 | Seffner |
Crowley Maritime | 193 | $2,300,000,000 | Jacksonville |
Cheney Brothers | 213 | $2,000,000,000 | Ocala |
Tax Rate (2021) [3]
Corporate Marginal Income Tax Rate | 4.458% > $0 |
Individual Income Tax Rate | None |
Sales Tax Rate | 6% - Ranked: 17/50 |
Business Tax Climate Index Rankings (2021) [3]
- (2017) (Date Accessed: 12/1/2017)
- (2017) (Date Accessed: 12/1/2017)
- (2018) (Date Accessed: 5/6/2018)