Fortune 1000 Rankings (2020) [1]

All Dollar Values are in USD Millions
Company ºìÌÒÊÓƵ
Rank Revenue Profits Assets Market
Healthcare 13 $153,566 $5,104 $155,774 $60,335 Bloomfield
Media and Communications 71 $45,764 $1,668 $148,188 $137,205 Stamford
Financial Services 160 $20,740 $2,085 $70,817 $12,625 Hartford
Financial Services 170 $19,461 $3,747 $104,826 $9,871 Stamford
Business Services 196 $16,648 $419 $14,128 $11,447 Greenwich
Technology 210 $15,066 $1,395 $21,402 $88,465 Norwalk
Consumer Products 220 $14,442 $1,234 $20,597 $28,209 New Britain
Financial Services 340 $9,351 - - - Stamford
Construction 344 $9,175 $325 $4,830 $3,450 Norwalk
Technology 347 $9,145 $1,353 $15,047 $4,030 Norwalk
Technology 386 $8,225 $1,155 $10,816 $21,726 Wallingford
Media and Communications 393 $8,107 ($5,911) $17,488 $40 Norwalk
Financial Services 402 $7,902 $681 $26,643 $9,569 Greenwich
Industrial Manufacturing 576 $4,680 $54 $3,196 $1,015 Westport
Technology 580 $4,633 $439 $16,741 $11,204 Windsor
Industrial Manufacturing 586 $4,591 $401 $4,903 $6,239 Shelton
Industrial Manufacturing 595 $4,490 $194 $4,931 $3,215 Stamford
Technology 621 $4,245 $233 $7,151 $939 Stamford
Business Services 699 $3,478 $195 $5,467 $350 Stamford
Industrial Manufacturing 735 $3,283 $133 $4,424 $2,911 Stamford
Financial Services 862 $2,580 $161 $71,676 $3,313 Greenwich
Financial Services 895 $2,388 $148 $26,861 - New Haven
Industrial Manufacturing 905 $2,356 $307 $3,129 $3,100 Stamford
Financial Services 916 $2,312 $520 $58,590 $4,793 Bridgeport
Consumer Products 958 $2,141 ($372) $3,421 $1,308 Chesterfield
Healthcare 13 $153,566 $5,104 $155,774 $60,335 Bloomfield
Media and Communications 71 $45,764 $1,668 $148,188 $137,205 Stamford
Financial Services 160 $20,740 $2,085 $70,817 $12,624 Hartford
Financial Services 170 $19,461 $3,747 $104,826 $9,870 Stamford
Business Services 196 $16,648 $419 $14,128 $11,447 Greenwich
Technology 210 $15,066 $1,395 $21,402 $88,465 Norwalk
Consumer Products 220 $14,442 $1,234 $20,596 $28,209 New Britain
Financial Services 340 $9,351 - - - Stamford
Construction 344 $9,174 $325 $4,830 $3,449 Norwalk
Technology 347 $9,145 $1,353 $15,047 $4,030 Norwalk
Technology 386 $8,225 $1,155 $10,815 $21,725 Wallingford
Media and Communications 393 $8,107 ($5,911) $17,488 $39 Norwalk
Financial Services 402 $7,902 $681 $26,643 $9,569 Greenwich
Industrial Manufacturing 576 $4,680 $54 $3,195 $1,015 Westport
Technology 580 $4,632 $438 $16,741 $11,203 Windsor
Industrial Manufacturing 586 $4,591 $400 $4,903 $6,239 Shelton
Industrial Manufacturing 595 $4,489 $193 $4,931 $3,214 Stamford
Technology 621 $4,245 $233 $7,151 $938 Stamford
Business Services 699 $3,477 $194 $5,466 $349 Stamford
Industrial Manufacturing 735 $3,283 $133 $4,423 $2,911 Stamford
Financial Services 862 $2,580 $161 $71,676 $3,313 Greenwich
Financial Services 895 $2,387 $148 $26,860 - New Haven
Industrial Manufacturing 905 $2,355 $306 $3,128 $3,099 Stamford
Financial Services 916 $2,312 $520 $58,589 $4,792 Bridgeport
Consumer Products 958 $2,141 ($372) $3,420 $1,307 Chesterfield

Largest Private Companies (2020) [2]

Company Rank Revenue (USD) City
Bozzuto's 192 $2,300,000,000 Cheshire

Tax Rate (2021) [3]

Corporate Marginal Income Tax Rate 7.50% > $0
Individual Income Tax Rate 3.00% > $0
5.00% > $10,000
5.50% > $50,000
6.00% > $100,000
6.50% > $200,000
6.90% > $250,000
6.99% > $500,000
Sales Tax Rate 6.35% - Ranked: 12/50

Business Tax Climate Index Rankings (2021) [3]


  1. (2017) (Date Accessed: 12/1/2017)
  2. (2017) (Date Accessed: 12/1/2017)
  3. (2018) (Date Accessed: 5/6/2018)