Government Resources

Main Government Page

Statistics Office

Central Banks

Stock Exchanges

Commerce Ministry

Investment Promotion Agency

Company Directories

SloExport, supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, is a database of exporting companies. Users can search for companies based on country of export and industry. 

Regulatory Agency Sites

The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) is an independent organization that regulates and supervises the electronic communications market. AKOS manages and supervises the radio frequency spectrum in the Republic of Slovenia and performs tasks in the field of radio and television broadcasting. In addition, the agency regulates and supervises the postal and railway service markets. The website is only available in Slovenian.

The Ministry of Health is concerned with matters relating to healthcare and health insurance in Slovenia. The ministry monitors the nation's health programs and health measures to be taken in the event of natural disasters. It also protects the population against diseases and other health problems, especially pertaining to environmental harms like toxic water or waste.

Other Resources

As an independent and non-profit organization, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia provides a link between Slovene business entities and potential foreign partners. The site carries information on the business environment in Slovenia as well as trade directories and opportunity listings.

The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) project, a collaborative effort led by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, ranks multinational enterprises in emerging markets according to the level of foreign assets held. The project also works to strengthen international investment by providing educational services, policy analysis, as well as tools and resources through extensive research. Reports are listed by country and can be downloaded in PDF.

Slovenian Business Portal is provided by the Center for International Cooperation and Development, an independent organization supplying information and assistance to foreign businesspeople conducting commerce in Slovenia. This site includes an economic profile of the country, a comprehensive legal guide for traders and investors, useful tips for living and doing business in Slovenia, and a list of service providers in the country.