Exporter Rank

61 / 138

Importer Rank

46 / 138

Trade Balance Rank

132 / 138

Total Trade [1]

Total Exports (2021) $28,795,179,085
Total Imports (2021) $72,891,644,100
Trade Balance (2021) ($44,096,465,015)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 10.47%
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 21.85%

Trade Partners [1]

Export Partners

Top 10 Export Countries

Country Export USD$
United States $6,076,912,908
China $3,033,900,047
United Kingdom $2,104,408,728
Germany $1,563,813,344
Netherlands $1,397,059,708
United Arab Emirates $1,166,733,000
Spain $1,022,074,061
Italy $891,169,624
Afghanistan $833,417,603
Bangladesh $813,217,150

Import Partners

Top 10 Import Countries

Country Import USD$
China $20,644,679,087
United Arab Emirates $7,351,857,641
Indonesia $4,191,443,159
United States $3,829,896,996
Saudi Arabia $3,769,948,693
Qatar $2,664,560,922
Kuwait $2,271,841,164
Japan $2,179,753,947
South Africa $1,740,691,293
Thailand $1,695,780,568

Traded Goods [1] (at the 2-digit HS Code level)

Top 10 Export Goods

HS Code Export USD$
(63) Textile Articles $5,499,328,755
(61) Apparel: Knit $4,484,806,963
(52) Cotton $3,403,565,141
(62) Apparel: Non Knit $3,385,107,808
(10) Cereals $2,259,378,904
(74) Copper $815,885,987
(42) Leather Products $695,518,197
(08) Fruit & Nuts $491,407,083
(25) Natural Minerals & Stone $483,298,716
(90) Precision Instruments $435,748,030

Top 10 Import Goods

HS Code Import USD$
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $19,319,263,236
(85) Electrical Machinery $5,987,549,066
(84) Industrial Machinery $5,884,951,389
(72) Iron & Steel $4,586,591,116
(30) Pharmaceuticals $3,781,283,188
(15) Fats & Oils $3,602,545,298
(87) Motor Vehicles & Parts $3,327,813,132
(39) Plastics $3,009,078,489
(29) Organic Chemicals $3,004,887,424
(12) Oil Seeds $1,979,194,068


  1. (2021) except where stated otherwise.
  2. . Accessed: 10/8/2023