Iran: History
The Treaty of Qasr-e Shirin ends a 150-year war with the Ottoman Empire.
Iran cedes control of Caucasus to after second Russo-Persian war.
The country's official name becomes Iran.
Following a parliamentary vote, Iran nationalizes its oil industry.
The Iran-Iraq war begins after invades western Iran along the border. The war lasted 8 years, until a cease fire agreement was signed by both countries in Geneva which was backed by the UN.
The releases $567 million of frozen Iranian assets, that were orginally frozen in 1979 after Americans were taken as hostages in the US embassy in Tehran.
The US imposes oil and trade sanctions on Iran due to Iran's alleged support for terrorism and acquisition of nuclear arms.
The UN Security Council imposes further sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programs.
The European Union boycotts Iranian oil. Iran's rial currency depreciates 80% against the dollar because of international sanctions.
After years of negotiations, world powers reach a deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for lifting international economic sanctions.
The U.S. withdraws from the 2015 international deal regarding Iran's nuclear program. Iran follows this with a threat to increase uranium enrichment capacity if the deal collapses as a result of the U.S. withdrawal.