Exporter Rank

98 / 138

Importer Rank

86 / 138

Trade Balance Rank

101 / 138

Total Trade [1]

Total Exports (2021) $4,975,948,988
Total Imports (2021) $11,630,877,995
Trade Balance (2021) ($6,654,929,007)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 41.12%
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 64.81%

Trade Partners [1]

Export Partners

Top 10 Export Countries

Country Export USD$
United States $2,155,136,571
Germany $331,781,542
El Salvador $295,852,161
Guatemala $226,343,016
Nicaragua $215,641,408
Belgium $187,983,028
Netherlands $171,196,038
United Kingdom $133,366,028
Mexico $129,753,555
Costa Rica $120,583,683

Import Partners

Top 10 Import Countries

Country Import USD$
United States $3,994,777,238
China $2,083,172,227
Mexico $878,911,943
Guatemala $650,280,407
El Salvador $515,552,592
Costa Rica $417,311,405
Brazil $216,087,644
Russia $213,964,444
Japan $206,235,402
India $200,554,510

Traded Goods [1] (at the 2-digit HS Code level)

Top 10 Export Goods

HS Code Export USD$
(09) Coffee & Spices $1,304,363,010
(85) Electrical Machinery $885,535,596
(03) Seafood $601,154,078
(15) Fats & Oils $308,783,931
(08) Fruit & Nuts $278,458,483
(71) Precious Stones & Metals $201,446,414
(72) Iron & Steel $148,777,486
(07) Vegetables $134,383,604
(73) Iron & Steel Articles $103,241,627
(26) Ores $94,416,706

Top 10 Import Goods

HS Code Import USD$
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $1,671,452,861
(87) Motor Vehicles & Parts $915,630,710
(85) Electrical Machinery $858,939,406
(84) Industrial Machinery $849,644,915
(72) Iron & Steel $724,238,831
(30) Pharmaceuticals $684,307,836
(39) Plastics $580,165,144
(10) Cereals $380,266,031
(21) Prepared Foods $347,490,983
(23) Animal Feeds $322,352,504


  1. (2021) except where stated otherwise.
  2. . Accessed: 10/8/2023