Exporter Rank

131 / 138

Importer Rank

134 / 138

Trade Balance Rank

52 / 138

Total Trade [1]

Total Exports (2021) $35,163,394
Total Imports (2021) $446,676,290
Trade Balance (2021) ($411,512,896)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2020) [2] 23.07%
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2020) [2] 54.37%

Trade Partners [1]

Export Partners

Top 10 Export Countries

Country Export USD$
United States $5,898,708
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $1,726,704
Trinidad and Tobago $1,318,816
Saint Lucia $819,451
Panama $751,152
Barbados $574,994
Guyana $550,968
Canada $503,761
Antigua and Barbuda $484,264
United Kingdom $344,577

Import Partners

Top 10 Import Countries

Country Import USD$
United States $174,536,149
Trinidad and Tobago $76,872,431
Cayman Islands $41,512,859
United Kingdom $18,140,902
China $11,540,386
Barbados $11,253,561
Canada $10,544,866
Jamaica $7,811,842
Japan $7,469,200
Netherlands $6,715,599

Traded Goods [1] (at the 2-digit HS Code level)

Top 10 Export Goods

HS Code Export USD$
(09) Coffee & Spices $5,676,763
(22) Beverages $4,669,989
(11) Milling Products $3,772,102
(84) Industrial Machinery $3,439,468
(03) Seafood $2,912,375
(18) Cocoa $2,805,426
(23) Animal Feeds $2,799,959
(08) Fruit & Nuts $2,226,841
(48) Paper $1,568,075
(32) Paints & Dyes $1,198,239

Top 10 Import Goods

HS Code Import USD$
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $65,379,663
(84) Industrial Machinery $33,910,901
(85) Electrical Machinery $31,257,909
(87) Motor Vehicles & Parts $21,583,932
(44) Wood $16,906,671
(02) Meat $16,459,058
(39) Plastics $14,307,518
(73) Iron & Steel Articles $13,256,626
(21) Prepared Foods $12,966,531
(25) Natural Minerals & Stone $12,255,226


  1. (2021) except where stated otherwise.
  2. . Accessed: 10/8/2023