Government Resources

Main Government Page

Statistics Office

Central Banks

Stock Exchanges

Commerce Ministry

Export Promotion Agency

Investment Promotion Agency

Company Directories

This Czech Exporters Directory provides information on all current exporting companies located in the Czech Republic. This site provides users the ability to search companies by name, category, or product/service. Useful material is provided through the search box on topics such as a company's contact information, address, establishment year and business line.

Regulatory Agency Sites

The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (RRTV) regulates broadcasting in the Czech Republic. The RRTV supervises broadcasting operators to ensure their compliance with legislation, grants licenses, and monitors broadcasting content. In addition, RRTV advises broadcasting operators, manages frequencies and territorial ranges of frequencies, and regulates disputes among consumers and producers. The site provides a list of broadcasting operators. 

The State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) regulates the safe production of pharmaceuticals in the Czech Republic. SUKL is responsible for the surveillance of advertising and marketing medicines and medical devices. The site contains various databases that allow users to search for clinical trials, medicinal products, and pharmacies. Articles covering the results of recent clinical trials are also posted on the homepage.

The Czech Telecommunication Office regulates electronic communications and postal services in the Czech Republic. Additionally, the office regulates the markets and business conditions, as well as works to ensure fair economic competition. The website provides resources including publications, information on consumer protection, and telecommunications.

Other Resources

BusinessInfo: Czech Business Web Portal provides information for businesses located in or looking to do business in Czechia. The site provides information with regards to starting, managing, and expanding a business both in Czechia and the European Union. In addition, the site provides information pertaining to the EU market, research and innovation, and finance and support.  Only available in Czech.

Czech Chamber of Commerce aims to create opportunities for business by aiding further business development and economic growth. The site provides business support information, such as various events, development projects, and customs and certification services. In addition, the site provides useful information regarding doing business in the Czech Republic and various professional associations.

This is the official site for the Czech Republic for the disclosure of information on public contracts that have been awarded. The site allows users to search for the awarded contracts by various parameters, such as by name, registration number, or sponsor. This site is available in Czech only.

Provided by GOV.UK, Doing Business in the Czech Republic is a trade and export guide that provides guidance for conducting business in the Czech Republic. The guide provides information about the growth potential and potential challenges in conducting business. The guide also provides information about various opportunities for businesses in sectors like advanced engineering, energy, life sciences, and infrastructure. In addition, the guide provides information about considerations for start-ups, law, customs, and tax.