Exporter Rank

54 / 138

Importer Rank

49 / 138

Trade Balance Rank

123 / 138

Total Trade [1]

Total Exports (2021) $41,389,989,047
Total Imports (2021) $61,098,589,560
Trade Balance (2021) ($19,708,600,513)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 20.48%
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (2022) [2] 28.14%

Trade Partners [1]

Export Partners

Top 10 Export Countries

Country Export USD$
United States $11,624,289,496
China $3,660,969,368
Panama $2,384,743,702
India $2,238,801,009
Brazil $2,049,079,437
Ecuador $1,757,979,528
Turkey $1,270,048,729
Mexico $1,202,671,744
Chile $1,089,947,281
Peru $1,081,431,778

Import Partners

Top 10 Import Countries

Country Import USD$
China $14,795,946,322
United States $14,191,681,509
Mexico $3,800,480,421
Brazil $3,502,317,042
Germany $2,065,116,199
France $1,474,846,394
India $1,378,396,263
Argentina $1,300,385,790
Spain $1,289,321,089
Japan $1,268,938,351

Traded Goods [1] (at the 2-digit HS Code level)

Top 10 Export Goods

HS Code Export USD$
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $19,179,846,222
(71) Precious Stones & Metals $3,345,534,592
(09) Coffee & Spices $3,205,854,188
(39) Plastics $1,983,344,169
(06) Live Plants $1,756,097,418
(08) Fruit & Nuts $1,409,424,208
(15) Fats & Oils $772,176,204
(72) Iron & Steel $597,770,424
(85) Electrical Machinery $584,217,677
(38) Chemical Products $531,337,307

Top 10 Import Goods

HS Code Import USD$
(85) Electrical Machinery $6,401,405,056
(84) Industrial Machinery $6,164,137,296
(87) Motor Vehicles & Parts $4,836,344,139
(30) Pharmaceuticals $3,914,477,010
(27) Oil & Mineral Fuels $3,766,757,558
(39) Plastics $3,226,016,876
(29) Organic Chemicals $3,069,159,849
(72) Iron & Steel $2,679,323,134
(10) Cereals $2,569,703,198
(90) Precision Instruments $1,676,046,171


  1. (2021) except where stated otherwise.
  2. . Accessed: 10/8/2023