Botswana: History
European gold prospectors arrive and begin mining.
Britain proclaims a protectorate called Bechuanaland, and what is now modern-day Botswana.
Copper mines are established.
Bechuanaland is granted independence and becomes the Republic of Botswana.
Diamonds are discovered in Orapa, which goes on to become the world's largest diamond mine.
Botswana is a founding member of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) as a joint venture with De Beers.
The government of Botswana starts the Diamond Trading Company Botswana (DTCB) as a joint venture with De Beers.
Global diamond giant De Beets move its rough stone sales operations from London to Gaborone, a step towards turning Botswana into one of the world's top diamond hubs.
Gay rights group wins legal recognition.