• European gold prospectors arrive and begin mining.
  • Britain proclaims a protectorate called Bechuanaland, and what is now modern-day Botswana.

  • Copper mines are established.

  • Bechuanaland is granted independence and becomes the Republic of Botswana.
  • Diamonds are discovered in Orapa, which goes on to become the world's largest diamond mine. 

  • Botswana is a founding member of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) as a joint venture with De Beers.

  • The government of Botswana starts the Diamond Trading Company Botswana (DTCB) as a joint venture with De Beers.

  • Global diamond giant De Beets move its rough stone sales operations from London to Gaborone, a step towards turning Botswana into one of the world's top diamond hubs.

  • Gay rights group wins legal recognition.
