Government Resources

Main Government Page

Central Banks

Stock Exchanges

Export Promotion Agency

News Sites

Nation News is a local Barbados publication featuring recent business headlines and news stories. 

Regulatory Agency Sites

The Telecommunications Unit of Barbados (TU) is responsible for promoting a competitive environment, ensuring the industry is easily accessible, and developing and implementing regulatory policies. On the site, you can also find resources related to Barbados domains, government notices, application forms, and types of licenses.

Other Resources

A Guide to Doing Business in Barbados contains information relevant to doing business in Barbados. This resource includes information pertaining to the business environment, setting up a business, accommodation, taxation, and education. It opens in PDF and is only available in English.

The Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private sector organization representing the interests of its members and the area's business community. The site strives to better the environment for businesses by providing links to company directories, Yellow Pages, and other helpful business materials. 

The Barbados Investment and Development Corporation website covers the entire spectrum of international business and investment in Barbados. The site provides information on starting businesses and exporting services and goods. Users can find legal information, statistics, tutorials, and various service forms on the website.

The Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) facilitates and promotes investment in the Caribbean region. The CAIPA website includes information regarding investment opportunities and incentives, as well as general information about the economies of each of its member countries.