Netflix has been considered the leader in the streaming market since its inception in the late 2000s, and its longevity of success is no mistake. While competition grows fiercer year after year and the U.S. streaming market becomes , Netflix maintains the largest market share, and its success can be largely contributed to its international presence.
ºìÌÒÊÓƵ Blog - By Tag: internationalization
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As the seasons continue to change, fall is in full swing and will soon give way to winter in the Northern Hemisphere. For many people, this means we are in the heart of the American football season—the game serves as a center point for holidays like Thanksgiving and, with more lockdowns imminent as a result of COVID-19, will likely be a major pastime during the winter months. So, how does American football (which I’ll refer to as just football for the rest of this blog) fare as an overall market?
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There are about different languages spoken around the world. These languages are more than just a form of communication but instead represent different cultures, traditions, and identities. They are an inseparable aspect of people's lives. Especially in today's society, bilingualism or even multilingualism is very common due to close proximity to other countries with different languages and an increased desire to acquire such skills. Below are some advantages of being multilingual:
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Have you visited the ºìÌÒÊÓƵ Business Beat recently? In last week's segments, Dr. Tomas Hult discusses topics related to global efficiency, the internationalization of community colleges, and an overview of MSU’s International Business Center. This overview contains information on the MSU International Business Center Team and serves companies and educators around the world.
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MSU-CIBER and ºìÌÒÊÓƵ are excited to be part of the upcoming CCID conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Through our Department of Education Title VIB grant, MSU-CIBER engages deeply in community college internationalization with a number of organizations, including CCID.
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Expanding overseas to new markets can be one of the most crucial decisions a business makes. Often, expanding internationally is what can make or break a business. International expansion consists of more than simply setting up shop in a new country. The expansion process must be purposeful and must be prepared for, otherwise the business will see more money being drained through this new exploration than made. The following is a collection of observations and tips regarding challenges in global marketing and expansion.
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In a blog post for Cisco, EMEA & Russia marketing director Dr. Christine Bailey explained the omnipresence of digital marketing in the current business landscape: "" In other words, the appellation 'digital marketing' has become unnecessary; the world is so thoroughly digitized that all corporate marketing actions must align with digital spaces, not just run parallel to them. To be a successful global business in the 21st century, competent utilization of digital platforms is essential. This means not only a complete understanding of analysis and content strategy principles, but awareness of these concepts as they pertain to countries the world over.
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[This blog post is based on a presentation I gave in a business-academic panel “jam session” at the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, August 6, 2016. The slides with charts and data can be downloaded ].
The strategic importance placed on leveraging has seen an exponential increase in the last decade. The is now connected in a fashion, where all 195 countries leverage inbound and outbound elements of global supply chains, and what happens in one part of the world – seemingly far away from where you are – oftentimes has an effect on what you do, perhaps even as a ; that is, small changes in some parts of the world has large cause-effect relationships with other parts.
Tremendous inbound and outbound growth in supply chain traffic has been seen in , with lots more inbound in the last decade than ever before. But, the idea of “supply chain management” is still driven by the and to some degree Europe. These global supply chains are important given that customers expect the world to become more globalized than the companies expect to have to deliver in the next 20 years. This mismatch needs to be solved.
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One of the newest technological curiosities to hit the globe is virtual reality, where, with a headset, users can be transferred to a “real” place anywhere on Earth, in an environment that is also completely interactive. The vast amount of applications for this make it extremely promising, and its impact on the business world could be huge, possibly in a way not seen since the creation of the internet. At this time, the headsets have mostly been focused on the industry, in applications like video games, but as virtual reality becomes mainstream, its use could spread to many facets of our lives.
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For the first time in 15 years, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has changed the structure of the special drawing rights (SDR) basket and has announced the Chinese yuan to be a new official foreign reserve asset. This change not only acknowledges China's monetary reforms, but also accelerates the yuan’s internationalization. This blog will explain the challenges and benefits that China is facing with respect to the inclusion of its currency in the SDR basket.
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Business schools have continuously taken steps to prepare students for today’s increasingly international business world through study abroad programs, leadership programs, and international enrollment. NAFSA: Association of International Educators was originally founded to help foreign students become familiarized with the United States’ college communities. Now the association assists in opportunities for American students to study abroad, participate in exchange programs, and study foreign areas and . NAFSA now has close to 10,000 members who are international educators.