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Live concerts and shows have been around for the longest time. The first live concert hosted by the public, a violinist, in London in 1672. However, throughout the years, it has become a social phenomenon for many artists worldwide to partake in for the fans. With every ticket purchase, we not only secure our entry but also engage with the business behind ticket sales. This ties in with the music industry as it is known to build for artists and record companies besides merchandise and is more modern with streaming services. But what problems are we seeing regarding the business behind artists distributing the tickets and fans obtaining the tickets?

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The issue of data collection, monopolies, and the power that private companies have versus what the government has access to has been a constant power struggle over the past 20 years as technology has become more and more accessible. One company, in particular, has been raising fears throughout many different countries: Google. Google currently has a , raising concerns about it being a monopoly. In the United States, the Department of Justice and 11 states put forward an antitrust lawsuit against Google on claiming that Google is illegally protecting its monopoly. On the other hand, Brazil has been dealing with the ramifications of its antitrust lawsuit with Google since . This is an update to antitrust cases that have been going up against Google throughout these past two years. The lawsuits in Australia and Spain were covered in an earlier blog. 

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As foreign investors realize is becoming more expensive for manufacturing, they are turning their eyes to countries in Southeast Asia. . A large proportion of the FDI has gone to the high-tech industry. While people are expecting the technology boom to continue into the future, Vietnam is preparing a series of regulations for the technology industry, which may slow down the growth of IT business in the country.

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An important economic issue that is affecting several countries is the rising number of shadow businesses: businesses unregistered with their country's government. These businesses exchange goods and services, both legal and illegal, without paying taxes to their government. Typical examples of these include small taxicab services, roadside food stalls, and drug dealing. These businesses are causing concern because of their increasing prevalence in developing countries, which many worry is crippling economic growth and development. Other countries with smaller numbers shadow businesses are looking for ways to try and incorporate the operations of these businesses into their national economies. Here is a closer look.

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The Easter holiday has passed, and as always, with its passing comes a lot of chocolate. The holidays are a great time for to increase sales by offering limited edition holiday goodies. Most candy companies incorporate Easter into their products around this time of year, with the most prevalent being the bunny. What if a company could take the idea of the chocolate bunny and restrict other companies from selling it to increase their sales? For over twelve years, premium chocolate maker has been trying to trademark these gold-wrapped chocolate bunnies with many court cases involving different European Union members.

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When taking a company, product, or service internationally one has to take into consideration the variability of laws they will encounter. This tends to be quite the process, and a very complex one at that. Few may be more complex (and more of a hindrance) to business expansion than copyright law, . This makes for a wide array of complications that music empires have to deal with and has even derailed some.