
There are 33 within the United States. These Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs) were created by Congress under the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, the purpose being to increase and promote the nation's capacity for international understanding and competitiveness.

These centers help to form a link between people, resources, and the United States business community. The resources provided by the CIBERs include international education pieces, language training, and research capacities of major universities across the United States. These tools enable the business community to have the necessary knowledge when competing in an international atmosphere. The CIBERs also provide useful information for students and teachers alike.

Each CIBER is not alike and each one is encouraged to focus on the strengths of their faculty and staff. Each CIBER puts their attention to certain activities that advance the study and teaching of international business. These activities also support applied research on United States competitiveness in the global marketplace. Some activities include the collaboration with modern foreign language departments to develop business language courses; others include funding research projects and events with other colleges as well as government and trade councils.

The program has been very beneficial and continues to provide a very useful resource when it comes to global competitiveness. To check out more about the CIBER Grant Proposal or other facts about the CIBERs please check out our!

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