
Who knew a volcanic eruption in could put such a damper on things?  As airports throughout Europe shut down flights due to the volcanic ash, many business professionals are coming to the realization that they aren’t going to make that 2 o’clock meeting.

It’s just a little ash, what’s the harm? Actually, these contain sharp-edge pieces of glass and rock.  This can damage air passages if inhaled, and can shut down plane engines if sucked in by a jet engine. This ash can affect the atmosphere for months, and have already caused over 4,000 flights to be canceled throughout Europe. Countries affected include Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, and Switzerland. Flights from the United States have had to turn around mid-flight, too.

So what does this mean for all you business professionals?  Well, if you’re planning on flying overseas or anywhere in Europe, you might want to hold off. Take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.  A solution to a cancelled meeting in a conference room would be using Skype Video chat.  Furthermore, with the advances in technology, international business doesn’t necessarily mean you must travel to the country you are doing business with.  This ashy atmosphere needs to go. Keep your fingers crossed!

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