
With the beginning today, the world looks on with anticipation. The first ever Olympic Games were held way back in 776 BC. Since then, things have obviously changed quite a bit. Everything from the events, to who competes in them, to how we watch them has drastically changed. Until 1960 the Olympics were not televised, but since then businesses all over the globe have taken advantage of the major publicity the Games receive.

Advertising is something that we have come to expect during the Olympics. Companies all over the world have been throwing money at the networks televising the Games to get their ads on the screens for years. Not only that, but online sites are now raking in the cash for ads along side of their Olympic coverage. Ads are even appearing on our mobile phones. It seems like ads are everywhere!   

Since there is so many ways to stay up to date on who’s in the lead for the gold medal, companies are wanting more information on when, how, and what people are tuning into. It’s important for these companies to know this information so that advertisements can be placed more effectively. They call this method of gathering information ‘’. Viewer monitoring began in the Beijing Games in 2008, and during the upcoming Vancouver Games the research will only increase. The goal is to see how people are following the Olympics so that advertising budgets will be spent more effectively.     

We know that during the upcoming Olympics there will be advertising all over the place, but now the way we see those advertisements is being analyzed. It is not clear yet how exactly this information will be used, but the hope is that it will lead to more successful marketing plans. One thing is for sure though, whether you’re reading an athlete profile on your phone, reading about final results of the giant slalom online, or watching the figure skating finals on TV, advertisements from all over the world will be trying to get your attention.

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