
With the cloud computing world market by 2013, what are emerging markets doing to get a piece of this pie? Cloud computing is finally growing in developed nations. Many companies are gradually moving more applications to cloud data centers where they can take advantage of pooling of computing resources, more efficient use of data processing power and increased flexibility. Cloud computing could have a huge impact on societies and economies in developing countries as well.

In places where the resources (money, infrastructure) may not be there, the ability for companies, governments, and universities to share what resources they have offers the opportunity to bring immense computing power to realize new opportunities. Mobile services offer one of these great opportunities. Carriers can use clouds to develop innovative new services, launch them, and have the ability to handle millions of users. Services such as banking and small-business listings could transform an emerging economy. For example there is a and the Indian state of Karnataka that is helping the poorest of the poor find employment.

So what will it take for these emerging markets? For one in cloud computing and Information Technology in general. Just as investments in infrastructure and other systems are important, so is the need for investments in IT. For example has made a in the government’s technology program to invest more in cloud computing. They are aiming at foreign investments and cooperative projects with other nations that could really help their cloud. An interesting index to look at is to see which markets are best placed for wide adoption of cloud computing services.

Cloud computing doesn’t just have to be looked at on a country level scale. Countries in regions like Asia to see how the cloud can drive greater economic value to the whole region. Working together can increase investment and foreign trade between the region. Emerging economies can work together to drive economic value through cloud computing, and the opportunities are endless.

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