As the primary business association in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) represents enterprises of every size and kind throughout the country. The ZNCC is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, and non-political organization. This site contains news relating to the numerous industries prominent in Zimbabwe, a listing of business opportunities, as well as market information.
This resource is the official website of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The stock exchange's three core functions include providing a critical link between companies that need funds to set up new businesses or to expand their current operations and investors, providing a regulated marketplace for buying and selling of shares, and providing a properly constituted and regulated environment that ensures market integrity and fairness. The site contains a company directory, stock-related news articles, and market data.
The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) aims to protect public and animal health by keeping the public informed of which medicines, allied substances, and medical devices are safe and effective. The site contains recent news and announcements regarding healthcare and has numerous regulatory and licensing documents that are available for download in PDF.
The primary role of The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is to formulate and implement monetary policies in order to maintain domestic money supply at levels consistent with the increase in the overall economic productivity under conditions of low inflation. The RBZ also acts as the sole issuer of banknotes and coins. Their site contains a variety of publications, including annual, quarterly, and monthly economic reviews, which are available for free in PDF.
The Herald news site contains articles tailored specifically to Zimbabwe. The business section provides daily business articles covering the economy and other current business topics. Other relevant news sections include international and opinion and analysis.
The Zimbabwe Independent is a news source providing news specifically about Zimbabwe. Useful business and economic articles can be found within the categories of business, international, and financials. Also available on the site are business publications, banks, banking, financial matters, and quoted companies. Some publications may require a paid subscription to be accessed.