Media and Communications
The Flemish Regulator for the Media (VRM) consists of a chamber that regulates telecommunications in Belgium. The VRM can issue or suspend licenses to radio broadcasting networks, determine relevant markets for the broadcasts, supervise legislation compliance, and protect consumers by solving disputes.
The Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) regulates broadcasting, post, and telecommunications in Afghanistan. Its site contains information regarding regulations and licensing within the industry, policies and guidelines, recent news, upcoming events, and statistics.
The Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) is the regulatory agency for postal and electronic communication in Albania. AKEP creates regulatory policies for operators and monitors compliance with these regulations. The website provides information about AKEP's board members and organization structure, legislation, and publications.
The Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) regulates broadcasting by managing the radio frequency spectrum, monitoring compliance with regulations and policies by operators, granting licenses to producers, ensuring appropriate broadcasts, and resolving conflicts from consumers. The AMA website provides information about AMA regarding its members, the council of complaints, and structure. Site content also includes service media providers, legislation, and press releases. Some parts of the website are only available in Albanian.
The Regulatory Authority of Post and Telecommunications (ARPT) regulates Algeria’s post, broadcasting, and telecommunications. The ARPT is responsible for granting operating permits, giving recommendations to producers, managing the radio frequency spectrum, ensuring fair competition, improving technology and equipment, and protecting consumers. Only available in Arabic and French.
The Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) regulates industries in Armenia including electricity, natural gas, water, and electronic communications. For the communications industry, the PSRC grants licenses to operators, monitors the radio frequency spectrum, allocates resources to broadcasters, sets regulations and standards, and monitors producers' compliance with legislation. Most of the website is only available in Armenian.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the internet, radio communications, and telecommunications. ACMA's responsibilities include promoting competition in these sectors, protecting consumers, developing equipment standards, managing the radio frequency spectrum, and representing Australia's communications internationally. The website provides resources for businesses, consumers, and the community on relevant topics regarding the ACMA and its regulated industries.
The Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) consists of two divisions: Media and Telecommunications and the Postal Service. The RTR regulates these divisions by granting operating licenses to producers, setting standards and regulatory policies, ensuring compliance with legislation, mediating disputes, and encouraging the growth of technology in the sectors. The website provides information for consumers, telecom operators, and media service providers. A limited English version of the site is available.
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) regulates electronic communications and broadcasting in the Bahamas, as well as controlling the spectrum and numbering systems. URCA promotes fair competition in the sectors, ensures quality, appropriate radio & TV broadcasts, mediates disputes, and ensures operators comply with legislation and permits.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is responsible for the regulation of telecommunications & post in Bahrain. The TRA promotes effective and fair competition in the industry, while also encouraging the development of technologies and promoting investment. The TRA also grants licenses to operators, sets equipment standards, and protects users by mediating disputes.
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) regulates telecommunications by granting licenses and permits to operators, setting regulations and standards, monitoring compliance with legislation, setting tariffs, promoting fair competition, mediating disputes among consumers and operators, and encouraging technological innovation and investment.
The Telecommunications Unit of Barbados (TU) is responsible for promoting a competitive environment, ensuring the industry is easily accessible, and developing and implementing regulatory policies. On the site, you can also find resources related to Barbados domains, government notices, application forms, and types of licenses.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatization regulates the telecommunications, post, and audiovisual sectors in Belarus. The website includes ministry information, a press center, management practices, projects, news for investors, and online services.
The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) supervises both the postal and telecommunications sectors. BIPT sets standards for producers, such as prices, tariffs, and equipment standards, as well as solve consumer complaints and disputes. The BIPT site contains information about internet, television, radio, and post services.
The Media Council of the German-Speaking Community of Belgium is responsible for regulating audio-visual media among German speakers in Belgium. The council governs the broadcasting sector by granting licenses to operators, setting equipment standards, monitoring compliance with legislation and standards, managing the radio frequency spectrum, and encouraging technological innovations. Some information is only available in German.
The Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) regulates the audiovisual sector in Belgium for non-German speaking citizens. The council mainly assigns broadcasting licenses for TV and radio, monitors operators' compliance with laws, and ensures quality, appropriate broadcasts. Only available in French.
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Post Office (ARCEP) is responsible for defining standards and regulations for telecommunications producers, granting licenses and permits to operators, and arbitrating disputes between consumers and operators. The site contains information about the organization's structure, legal texts, and regulatory activities. In addition, publications and news are available. The site is only available in French.
The Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Transportation, also known as Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT), regulates communications, transportation, and post in Bolivia. The ATT website contains information about its functions, legal framework, each of the sectors it is responsible for regulating, and recent news. Only available in Spanish.
The Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) regulates communication and broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The site contains information and regulations on telecommunications, broadcasting, radio spectrum management, and news. Some sections of the website are only available in Bosnian.
The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) is responsible for regulating the telecommunications, postal, internet, and broadcasting sectors. The site provides information about the responsibilities of BOCRA, its projects, and a list of documents and legislation pertaining to telecommunications.
The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) regulates telecommunications, post, and broadcasting in Brazil. ANATEL promotes fair competition in the industry while also promoting the innovation of equipment. ANATEL monitors radio frequency, implements legislation and standards, and arbitrates disputes among consumers and operators. The site is only available in Portuguese.
The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) regulates communications in Bulgaria. The CRC monitors the radio frequency spectrum, grants licenses to operators, regulates the post, arbitrates disputes, and monitors operators' compliance with legislation. The site contains news related to the CRC, available E-services from the commission, and archives of annual reports and other practical information.
The Council for Electronic Media (CEM) is a regulatory agency of Bulgaria that is responsible for electronic communications, especially the broadcasting of radio and TV. The CEM regulates broadcasts by setting standards and regulations that operators must comply with. The CEM also arbitrates disputes, protects the freedoms of consumers, and promotes fair competition in the industry.
The Regulatory Agency for Telecommunications (ARCT) is responsible for regulating communications in Burundi. ARCT regulates by processing applications for licenses, establishing standards for equipment and operation, arbitrating disputes, ensuring fair competition, and managing the frequency spectrum. Only available in French.
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is responsible for implementing regulatory policies pertaining to post, telecommunications, and information technologies in Cameroon. The Ministry grants licenses to communications operators, provides training of employees in the sectors, ensures appropriate and efficient products, encourages technological innovation, and encourages investment.
Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is in charge of increasing Canada's share of global trade and building a fair, efficient, and competitive marketplace. ISED is responsible for regulating Canada's airwaves and protecting and promoting the interests of Canadian consumers. This resource allows users to apply for radio licenses, browse federal regulations, and report frauds and scams, among many other functions. Extensive trade statistics are also available under the "International trade and investment" section. These reports provide detailed information on imports, exports, countries of origin, and destinations for Canadian trade. The website is available in English and French.
The Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulates broadcasting and communications in Canada. The CRTC issues broadcasting licenses, makes decisions on mergers, approves tariffs, encourages competition in the communications sector, provides information about broadcasting and communications, and resolves consumer disputes. The website is available in English and French.
The Ministry of Posts and New Information and Communication Technologies in Chad is responsible for developing and implementing policies as well as maintain a regulatory framework in the telecommunication, information technology, and postal sectors in the country. The Ministry's website provides information about the Minster and Ministry, laws and ordinances, and the Ministry's entities. A limited English version of the site is available.
The National Television Committee, also known as Consejo Nacional de Televisión (CNTV), regulates Chilean television by ensuring the broadcasts divulge accurate information. The CNTV receives and handles complaints from users, promotes the development of new technology, grants licenses to TV broadcasters, and ensures easy access to television while also featuring various publications. Only available in Spanish.
The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, also known as Subsecretaría de Comunicaciones (SUBTEL), regulates communication services in Chile. SUBTEL is in charge of creating legislation for producers as well as granting licenses, monitoring services according to regulations, resolving disputes among consumers and producers, and developing new technology to improve the telecommunications sector. The site provides sector reports and statistics related to the TV, telephone, and internet industry. Only available in Spanish.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China (MIIT) regulates IT in China by fairly allocating resources to producers, forming regulations and standards, monitoring producers' compliance with regulations, mediating disputes among consumers and operators, and developing efficient technology. The website provides forms for businesses to submit projects for the government's approval. It also provides data on information technology. The site is only available in Chinese.
The Communications Regulation Commission, also known as Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC), regulates communications by promoting fair competition, issuing regulations and permits to operators, determining standards for equipment, monitoring services, and resolving conflicts among consumers and operators. The site contains information about the CRC, its ongoing projects, the telecommunications industry as a whole, and citizen services. Recent press releases and other important notices are also available.
The National Regulation Authority of Information and Communications Technology (ANRTIC) regulates ICT in Comoros. The ANRTIC approves tariffs, enforces fair competition, promotes low prices, manages frequencies, approves equipment, ensures operators' compliance with legislation, and also promotes the interests of consumers. Only available in French.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Agency of Cote d'Ivoire (ARTCI) enforces regulations regarding telecommunications. A few of ARTCI's duties include defining standards for operators to comply with, determining prices of services, issuing operating permits, and managing radio frequencies. The site contains information about the regulated sectors, laws and regulations, procedures, and decisions. Site only available in French.
The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) goal is to promote stability, competition, and growth in the electronic communications and postal services market. The site provides market analysis and other information for both operators and consumers in the network industries.
The Cyprus RadioTelevision Authority (CRTA) is the radio television regulatory authority for Cyprus. The CRTA site provides information about authority itself, its composition, legislation, and recent news. English version available with limited content.
The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (RRTV) regulates broadcasting in the Czech Republic. The RRTV supervises broadcasting operators to ensure their compliance with legislation, grants licenses, and monitors broadcasting content. In addition, RRTV advises broadcasting operators, manages frequencies and territorial ranges of frequencies, and regulates disputes among consumers and producers. The site provides a list of broadcasting operators.
The Czech Telecommunication Office regulates electronic communications and postal services in the Czech Republic. Additionally, the office regulates the markets and business conditions, as well as works to ensure fair economic competition. The website provides resources including publications, information on consumer protection, and telecommunications.
Deloitte's industries section combines in-depth knowledge and an understanding of the various industries to offer a perspective on their functional experiences. Deloitte offers research into several aspects of the telecommunications industry including case studies, leaders in the industry, recent news, and issues facing the industry.
The Agency for Post and Electronic Communication (ARPCE) regulates telecommunications in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The site contains information about the agency itself, operators and service providers, observatories, and recent news. Site is only available in French.
The Danish Business Authority contributes to sustainable economic development and increasing Denmark's competitiveness. In addition, the authority is also responsible for regulating competition in the telecommunications and internet markets. This site details the responsibilities of the authority and regulations within the telecommunications sector.
The Telecommunications Regulatory and Control Agency, also known as Agencia de Regulacion y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (ARCOTEL), is the body that regulates telecommunications in Ecuador, which includes managing the radio spectrum. ARCOTEL creates policies and regulations that are then implemented by the Ministry of Telecommunications. ARCOTEL also grants licenses to operators and promotes high competition within their regulatory framework. Its site contains information about the council itself, its programs and services, and recent news.
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, also known as Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (MINTEL), regulates telecommunications and information technology in Ecuador, among other fields. MINTEL implements policies for operators to comply with, advises operators, promotes competition, and ensures efficient and quality products. The site contains information about the ministry, its programs and services, related publications, and recent news.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) oversees telecommunications in Egypt. The three primary responsibilities of the NTRA are policy and licensing, competition safeguards, and interconnection regulation between licensed operators. This site provides updates on the industry and a list of approved devices and various forms.
The Eswatini Posts & Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC) is composed of two units, EswatiniTelecom and EswatiniPost. EswatiniTelecom is committed to modernizing telecommunication technology by providing a spectrum of global telecommunication services through internet and telephone services. EswatiniPost is Swaziland's mover in cost-effective written communication.
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency is a body of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and its main purpose is to regulate communications and electronic media in Finland. The site provides industry news and general information about the Internet, telephone, TV, radio, postal, cybersecurity, and spectrum industries.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications is responsible for both Finland's transportation and communications policies. The site provides information on transport and communication policies, industry issues, and press releases.
The French Telecommunications and Post Regulator (ARCEP) regulates telecommunications and postal services. The site provides news, publications, major files, and reports concerning the industry.
The Higher Audiovisual Council (CSA) is responsible for regulating broadcasting in France. The CSA allocates frequencies to broadcasters, protects consumers, resolves disputes, and ensures the protection of French culture in broadcasts. The site provides general information about the council, television and radio, interactive services, press releases, and legal documents. This website is only available in French.
The Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) regulates electronic communications, broadcasting, and postal services. The website of the GNCC includes information about the commission, regulations, legal acts, consumer rights, and news.
The Federal Network Agency (BNA) is a body that regulates the telecommunications and postal sectors in Germany, among other sectors such as electricity, gas, and railway markets. For telecommunications and post, the BNA is responsible for securing fair competition, promoting telecommunications in public institutions, securing efficient frequencies, and protecting consumers by resolving problems. The BNA website provides information to users about their responsibilities in each of their respective areas along with pertinent stakeholder information.
The Media Authorities are in charge of regulating radio and television in Germany and granting licenses to broadcasting operators to ensure that producers fulfill the requirements of the legislation. The authorities also strive to create a level playing field in the industry, while also safeguarding the interests of consumers, by mediating disputes and developing equipment standards. This site is only available in German.
The National Communications Authority (NCA) regulates telecommunications in Ghana by granting licenses for operation, ensuring fair competition among licensees, monitoring the quality of service, setting equipment standards, protecting consumers by providing safeguard mechanisms, and coordinating frequencies with neighboring countries. The site provides information for consumers and stakeholders, licensing and relevant projects, and recent news.
The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) regulates the electronic communications and postal services sectors in Greece. The EETT supervises service operators, grants licenses, ensures consumer protection, promotes fair competition, and promotes innovation and investment. Information is provided on the website for consumers, electronic communication operators, and postal services operators.
The Superintendency of Telecommunications (SIT) is a technical body of the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure, and Housing in Guatemala. SIT manages the operation of the radio spectrum, grants licenses to telecommunications providers, resolves disputes, ensures producer compliance with legislation, and promotes international treaties and agreements. This website is only available in Spanish.
The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) regulates the telecommunications sector in Honduras. CONATEL promotes the modernization of telecommunications equipment, private investment, and free and fair competition. The CONATEL website provides news and notices, regulations, and information about the services they provide. Only available in Spanish.
The Communications Authority (CA) regulates the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in Hong Kong. The CA briefs officials and proposes legislation and regulatory policies relating to the sectors. The authority grants service licenses, deals with complaints, manages the radio frequency spectrum, develops equipment, and enforces legislation. CA's site contains a media library with press releases, publications, and data and statistics. Specific information regarding policies, regulations, and licensing is also available on the website.
The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) regulates media, electronic communications, and postal and IT services in Hungary. The authority manages radio frequency, issues licenses to operators, promotes the innovation of equipment, maintains competition, and promotes investment into the media and entertainment industries. The site includes news, legislation, market data, and links to other important European organizations.
The Post and Telecom Administration of Iceland (PTA) is responsible for regulating the post and telecommunications sectors in Iceland. The roles of the Ministry are to issue licenses to telecommunications providers, mediate disputes, promote the innovation of equipment, and ensure appropriate broadcasts to protect the consumer.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is responsible for both the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India. The TRAI issues licenses to operators and creates regulations for them to comply with. The site provides regulations, directions, recommendations, and consultations for consumers and companies in regards to telecommunication.
The Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (BRTI) is in charge of regulating Indonesia's telecommunications sector. The site includes general information on BRTI, events, press releases, news, and current policies. Only available in Indonesian.
Innovations-Report offers informative reports and articles related to interactive media, media management, digital television, E-business, online advertising and information, and communications technologies. In addition to business developments in the field of media-wide communications, the site features engineering and research-driven innovations in the field of communications.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) lists member countries and sector members. This includes the world’s major telecommunication operators, equipment manufacturers, funding bodies, and research and development organizations. Basic information, such as languages, ITU Council membership, ITU region, and UN classification of countries is available. Additionally, mailing addresses, names, titles, and telephone numbers are also available on the website. Multiple publications and yearly reports are also available for purchase in addition to the free services offered.
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) regulates all broadcasting content by granting licenses to operators and ensuring their compliance, encouraging technological innovation, and promoting fair competition in the industry. The BAI strives to protect consumers by guaranteeing high quality, affordable, and appropriate broadcasts. The site includes current projects, publications, information on licensing, and lists of broadcasters.
The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) regulates the electronic communications sector, which includes telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting transmission, and the postal industry. The leading roles of ComReg are to protect consumers by resolving disputes and ensuring quality products, promotion of competition, and encouraging innovation. Their site includes publications, consultations, licensing, and services.
The Ministry of Communications is responsible for regulating telecommunications in Israel. Examples of the ministry's duties include formulating regulatory policies, supervising providers and ensuring their compliance with legislation, supervising the postal authority, setting tariffs, and managing the electromagnetic spectrum.
The Authority for Communications (AGCOM) regulates communications in Italy by implementing licenses to operators, promoting fair and accessible competition, resolving disputes, protecting copyrights, and supervising the quality and appropriateness of communication products to protect consumers. The site provides statistics on telecommunications in Italy, information on postal services, and access to a user section for consumers. This website is only available in Italian.
The Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica is responsible for monitoring and regulating broadcast radio and television. The commission monitors licensees and ensures their compliance with regulations, which the commission creates. The site includes information on services provided by the commission as well as a library of broadcasting laws, regulations, and codes that open in PDF.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) regulates the information, communications, and postal services sectors, along with several other systems such as administrative organizations, electoral systems, and disaster prevention. The MIC promotes the fair competition of these sectors while also developing new technological systems for information and communications. The MIC grants licenses to operators and sets tariffs and taxes for regulation.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) regulates Jordan's telecommunications, information technology, and postal sectors. The TRC establishes policies for all operators to comply with and grants licenses to all operators. The site lists the commission's laws and by-laws, the regulatory framework in place, consumer information, licensing, and publications.
The Communications Authority of Kenya is responsible for facilitating the development of Kenya's information and communications sector. The authority grants licenses to all sector operators, including telecommunications, postal, courier, and broadcasting. The website provides users with statutes and regulations, research and statistics, and publications on annual reports, licensing, and current strategies.
The Independent Media Commission (IMC) is responsible for regulating the broadcasting frequency spectrum in the Republic of Kosovo. The IMC grants licenses to broadcasters, promotes a competitive industry, resolves disputes among producers, and implements policies to those who provide audio and audiovisual media services.
The Electronic Communications Office regulates the telecommunications sector in Latvia. The office issues operation permits, manages the radio frequency spectrum, resolves disputes among consumers and operators, and develops new communications technology. Its site contains basic information about the office itself, its activities and functions, and its commercial services.
The National Electronic Mass Media Council regulates the electronic media sector in Latvia by registering broadcasting permits to operators, resolving disputes between consumers and operators, ensuring the appropriateness of broadcasts to protect viewers, and promoting competitiveness in the industry.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) regulates the telecommunications sector in Lebanon. The website includes information on consultations, regulations, decisions, circulars, licensing, market data, and cybersecurity. The site also includes regulatory and cybersecurity news, as well as a calendar of events.
The Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) is in charge of regulating the communications sector of the country. The site includes information on applying for a license, application forms, complaint lodging, regulation, press releases, and documents available for download such as important legislation.
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics regulates telecommunication and information technology in Libya. They propose laws and regulations and monitor the compliance of these regulations among service providers. The ministry determines prices and sets standards for communication. They promote competition in the industries and strive to protect consumer interests in the communication sector. Available only in Arabic.
The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania is responsible for the regulation of radio and television broadcasts. The commission grants licenses to service providers and ensures their compliance with legislation. It also allocates radio frequencies for broadcasting and transmitting radio and television programs.
The Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l’audiovisuel (ALIA) is responsible for the regulation of audiovisual media in Luxembourg. They closely monitor the programs to ensure the protection of minors from inappropriate or offensive material. The ALIA mediates and also monitors compliance with advertising regulations. The website contains legislation, news, and an avenue for complaints. Some features on the site are only available in French.
The Luxembourg Institute of Regulation (ILR) is responsible for regulating previously monopolized sectors, including electronic communications, electricity, radio frequencies, postal services, natural gas, rail, and airports. The ILR also acts as a mediator for disputes among industries and complaints by consumers. The site contains annual reports, brochures, and publications. This website is only available in French.
The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) makes regulations that govern the communications sector in Malawi. MACRA issues licenses to providers and then monitors compliance with these rules and regulations. MACRA mediates disputes and complaints by industry members or consumers, and they also strive to protect the interests of consumers through quality communications. The website provides information on the organizational structure, policy and legislation, and licensing.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) implements and enforces laws pertaining to communications and multimedia. The site provides information on industry sectors and contains databases of publications, statistics, and legislation. An events calendar is also displayed.
The Malta Broadcasting Authority monitors and regulates all radio and television broadcasts in the Maltese Islands. The broadcasting authority ensures producers' compliance with legal and license obligations. They also work to solve controversies in the industries and ensure consumer interests by promoting affordable and quality programs.
The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is responsible for regulating the electronic communications sector, e-commerce, and the postal sector. The MCA also promotes competition, protects consumers, and encourages innovation.
The Regulatory Authority of Mauritania is responsible for telecommunications and post, as well as the regulation of water and electricity. The Authority ensures that producers comply with the law and protect users' interests with fair prices and quality services. This site serves as an overview of the various areas of regulation of the Authority and contains several publications created by the Authority. The website is only available in French and Arabic.
McKinsey & Company features in depth articles on several different industries. Articles present companies with advice and suggestions along with industry trends. Interviews with leading industry professionals are also provided.
The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) is an independent government agency that is responsible for regulating telecommunication and broadcasting services. The site provides information about the industry, relevant statistical information, resources, and relevant announcements. This site is only available in Spanish.
Mobile World Live, a worldwide mobile communications industry resource, provides panel discussions with industry experts, breaking news and research, a unique community network, and developments in the mobile phone industry. The site offers information on mobile services provided, mobile companies, a coverage map, and roaming partners for many countries around the world.
The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) is responsible for regulating activity in the electronic communications and information technology sectors. They promote competition and ensure that users benefit from fair prices and quality of services in communications and information. The site includes news, consultations, legislation, and statistics.
The High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA) is responsible for the audiovisual communication sector, including television and radio. HACA grants licenses for audiovisual services and ensures compliance with these legal provisions. HACA also provides quality radio frequencies for broadcast programs. The High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA) is responsible for the audiovisual communication sector, including television and radio. HACA grants licenses for audiovisual services and ensures compliance with these legal provisions. HACA also provides quality radio frequencies for broadcast programs.
The National Agency of Telecommunications Regulation (ANRT) is responsible for the telecommunication and post sectors in Morocco. ANRT promotes both fair competition in the telecoms market and scientific research to enrich the field. ANRT also acts as a mediator for complaints to protect consumers’ rights.
The National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) regulates and supervises the communications sector and spectrum management of radio frequencies. The INCM grants licenses to communication services and monitors compliance with the legislation. They also promote the development of efficient media technology. Only available in Portuguese.
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) regulates Namibia's telecommunications, broadcasting, and postal sectors. The CRAN site informs consumers and stakeholders about events, licensing, enforcement, and compliance. PDF versions of licensing documents and various media releases are also available.
Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) aims to make telecommunication services easily available to the public while also maintaining competition. NTA grants licenses to operators, and they also regularly monitor activities carried out by these providers to ensure a high quality of service. NTA settles disputes for consumers and also between telecommunications providers.
The Dutch Media Authority (CvdM) grants licenses to broadcasters of audiovisual content in the Netherlands. CvdM monitors compliance with this legislation and serves to protect consumers' interests by ensuring appropriate and accurate information in the broadcasts. CvdM also promotes the advancement of technology within the media sector and promotes regulations on online advertising to provide monitored media content. The CvdM site contains news, regulations, and information about the organization and their responsibilities. The majority of the site is only available in Dutch, however, limited English features are available.
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) oversees the entire broadcasting system, which includes TV and radio. The main purpose of the BSA is to deal with complaints through research and interpreting legislation and standards. They also serve to protect the rights of New Zealand residents by ensuring broadcasting services are available and affordable. Additionally, they provide news on recent developments in their complaints division and release periodic newsletters with updates from various broadcast outlets.
New Zealand's Commerce Commission is responsible for enforcing legislation in the telecommunications sector, as well as other sectors such as electricity and airport. The Commission promotes fair competition and prices, and they produce legislation in order to achieve this fairness. They also act as a mediator for disputes in the industries.
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Post (ARCEP) is responsible for regulation activities for postal services and electronic communications, among other areas like water and energy. ARCEP monitors the communication services, ensures fair prices, ensures quality service, supports the development of enhanced sectors and mediates disputes in the postal and electronic communications industries.
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) facilitates investments in the Nigerian communications markets. The NCC ensures that producers abide by their license agreements and promote fair competition in the industry. They also adopt and enforce technical standards for communications equipment. The website contains general information about the organization as well as industry statistics, legal information, licensing, media, and events.
The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services regulates the country's broadcasting sector. The site includes information on council members, news, sessions, legislation, broadcasters, operators, publications, and forms.
The Ministry of Transport aims to provide good electronic and postal communications infrastructure and an effective, universally accessible, safe, and environmentally friendly transport system. This site includes relevant posts and news for Norway's transportation industry.
The Norwegian Media Authority, Medietilsynet, encourages diversity and quality in Norwegian media. The authority promotes the modernization of technology through digitization. In addition, the authority grants licenses to producers and serves as a consultant by guiding rules and legislation. Some parts of the website are only available in Norwegian.
The Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) is an autonomous agency of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Nkom monitors post and telecommunications producers' compliance with legislation and license requirements. The site provides overview information of the agency, current news headlines related to the agency, laws and regulations, and features on topics related to the media and communications industry.
The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) strives to improve nationwide access to mass media. The site provides legislation, licensing, news, publications, and reports.
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) regulates the establishment and operation of telecommunications systems and ensures that they protect users' interests. The official website contains information about indicators, licensees, and legislation. The site also provides industry and consumer support.
The National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) is responsible for regulating and licensing information and communication technology in Papua New Guinea. NICTA manages resources and ensures consumers have access to information and communication. NICTA also supervises producer performance and ensures the resolution of complaints in the communications sector. The site provides licensing, regulations, and a public registry.
The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) of Poland controls broadcasters' activities in regards to laws and license agreements. They study content and reception of radio and television programs and also propose scientific improvements in the broadcasting sector. The KRRiT website provides information for consumers and broadcasters about fees and regulations within the sector as well as recent news.
The Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) supervises the telecommunications services and intervenes in issues and complaints. UKE promotes the advancement of technology for electronic communication and post. UKE also serves to protect consumers by issuing licenses to communication providers. Their website offers information about recent activity within the sector, laws, and general consumer issues.
The National Communications Authority, also known as Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) is responsible for the electronic and post sectors in Portugal. ANACOM is responsible for market regulation by promoting competition and guaranteeing network access, while also promoting technological advancements. ANACOM also ensures the application of laws and they deal with complaints regarding post and electronics.
The Regulatory Entity for Social Communication (ERC), also known as Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC) consists of a regulatory board that defines and implements licenses and other regulatory action. The ERC site contains information about its responsibilities, recent news, studies and publications, legislation, and a common questions section. This website is only available in Portuguese.
PricewaterhouseCoopers provides background information on industry sectors globally. This site includes an up-to-date industry environment description, challenges facing the industry and potential solutions. Free downloadable publications including annual reviews, and events.
The National Audiovisual Council (CNA) is responsible for regulating the audiovisual sector in Romania and for ensuring that TV and radio operate in the environment of free speech, responsibility, and competitiveness. The site provides information about regulations, recent news, various reports and studies, and publications.
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) aims to provide a competitive environment in the communications market while protecting interests and maintaining fair prices for consumers. In addition, ANCOM encourages innovation and efficient investments in infrastructure and manages scarce resources. The site provides information about the industry, studies and statistics, legislation, and recent news.
The Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) regulates telecommunications, along with other public utilities, in Rwanda. RURA grants licenses and deals with complaints in the communications sector. The agency promotes research and development for new, efficient equipment and protects consumer rights.
The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) works to promote a competitive climate for the information and communications sectors in Saudi Arabia. The CITC develops new information technologies and protects the public interest of telecommunications users. They also grant licenses to services and manage tariffs while supervising the entire sector. The site provides annual reports, information regarding the CITC, and other helpful resources. Site available in English and Arabic.
The Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts (ARTP) promotes fair competition for the benefit of telecommunications users in Senegal. The ARTP promotes jobs and drafts laws and regulations regarding telecommunications and posts. The ARTP also makes regulatory decisions regarding equipment, conditions for licensing, and determining abuses.
The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) ensures the efficacy and quality of communications in the Republic of Serbia. RATEL implements legislation and regulatory frameworks for communications operators. The agency also promotes competitiveness nationally and internationally. The RATEL site contains information about regulations, the Telecom market, and quarterly electronic communications reports.
The National Telecommunications Commission of Sierra Leone (NATCOMSL) promotes fair competition among telecommunications operations. NATCOMSL grants licenses and implements regulations to protect consumers and operators. The commission also works to ensure universal availability of efficient and cost-effective telecommunications services. This website offers a breadth of information on topics including licensing, regulations, and legal policies.
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore seeks to build a competitive and sustainable media industry while fostering technological innovation and encouraging collaboration between local and international media corporations. The site contains Infocomm and media news, as well as information on industry development, regulations, and the industry community within Singapore.
The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) is an independent organization that regulates and supervises the electronic communications market. AKOS manages and supervises the radio frequency spectrum in the Republic of Slovenia and performs tasks in the field of radio and television broadcasting. In addition, the agency regulates and supervises the postal and railway service markets. The website is only available in Slovenian.
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) imposes licenses and regulations on broadcasters, signal distributors, providers of telecommunication services, and postal services. ICASA promotes international cooperation, protects the rights of consumers, and resolves complaints within the communications sector. The website includes information on consumer protection, legislation, and online systems.
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) is responsible for broadcasting and telecommunications in South Korea. The KCC produces legislation and regulation to ensure the freedom and expansion of the communications sector. The KCC also focuses on expanding communication technology and promotes fair competition and consumer protection. The site provides information on policy issues and offers market statistical data.
The Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) regulates the audiovisual communication sector in Catalonia, promotes legislation to protect the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and issues annual reports to parliament and the Spanish government. The CAC website provides information about the Council, a portal of transparency, research, and news reports. This resource has some English translations but is mostly in Spanish and Catalan.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) ensures the reliability and efficacy of telecommunication services in Sri Lanka. The TRCSL protects the interests of consumers and purchasers and promotes effective competition in the communications industry. They also promote research and development of new technologies in the telecommunications field.
The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority promotes opportunities for diversity and availability in radio and television. The authority decides upon permits, fees, and registration and oversees radio and TV broadcasts. Its mission is to monitor and disseminate knowledge on media development. The site provides an overview of the authority's licensing and content regulation functions, as well as news updates regarding the telecommunications industry.
The Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) handles telecommunications, broadcasting, and post issues. OFCOM is responsible for regulating industries and ensuring the quality of communications. This site provides access to legislation addressing the communications sector as well as a database of facts and figures, including TV and radio statistics.
The Independent Complaints Authority for Radio and Television (ICA) determines whether broadcasted programs have violated law or telecommunications legislation. The ICA assesses complaints concerning radio and television. This site is available in English, German, French, and Italian.
The Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) regulates the postal, broadcasting, and telecommunications industries in Tanzania. The TCRA ensures the efficiency of these sectors, and that they are accessible and technologically advanced. The website has information on policies, legislation, regulations, licensing, and statistics.
This web page is a sub-section of It provides many research reports regarding the telecommunication equipment industry, such as information on computer hardware & networking, e-commerce & IT outsourcing, media, software & enterprise computing, and telecommunications & wireless. Free membership registration is required to view certain features of the site.
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is a resource for small or large businesses. It offers resources on global information and communications technology industries with respect to industry standards, solutions to issues, policies, news, and various market resources such as market forecast. The site requires an online application and membership dues to access some features, however many are available for free.
The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is responsible for the telecoms and broadcasting sectors in Thailand. The NBTC forms policies and regulating legislature to maintain the efficiency and availability of communications for the people.
The Gambian Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) regulates many sectors, including telecommunications, broadcasting, electricity, water and sewage, and transportation. For the electricity, telecommunications, and broadcasting sectors, PURA grants licenses to operators and ensures their compliance with legislation, regulates the radio frequency spectrum, encourages the development of technologies, and protects consumers by resolving disputes.
Total Telecom provides many articles related to region specific as well as global issues in today's telecommunications industry. Most of the articles focus on different telecom companies and their relations with individual countries and regions. The site also provides job leads in the industry, upcoming event listings, and the option to sign up for a newsletter. offers a wide range of current industry information to help exporters of U.S. goods and services get the information they need to compete successfully in overseas markets. This information includes trade events, market research, publications, industry associations, and industry contact points.
The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is responsible for regulating the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in order to keep them competitive. The Authority also manages resources, establishes equipment and service quality standards, and sets guidelines to prevent anti-competitive practices. The website contains information for consumers, descriptions of the Authority's services, reports and statistics, and consultative documents.
The National Telecommunications Authority (INT) has decision-making powers regarding conditions and procedures of granting communications access. INT approves tariffs, roaming agreements, and contracts. They also have the power of inquiry into complaints and the communications services themselves. The site is currently only available in French and Arabic, as the English portion of the site is under construction.
The Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) regulates radio and TV broadcasts, ensuring the appropriateness and efficiency of broadcasts. RTUK also handles technological innovations and strives to improve the media sector.
The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is responsible for the policy formation and guidance of telecommunications in Uganda. The UCC site provides information about industry affairs, programs, and upcoming events. Users can also find a library of publications related to the media and communications industry in Uganda.
The National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications (NCCIR) is responsible for licensing and registration procedures for telecommunications in Ukraine. The NCCIR ensures the efficacy and quality of telecommunications in Ukraine.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) safeguards competition in the media industry and protects the interest of telecommunications users. The TRA encourages investment, development, and education of telecommunications, as well as strives to implement the best practices in regulation and supervision of media and telecommunications. The site provides service information, regulations, and market statistics.
The Office of Communications (Ofcom) in the United Kingdom regulates TV and radio sectors, mobiles, postal services, and airwaves. Ofcom ensures the efficacy of communication and competitiveness in the media industry. The site provides information regarding Ofcom's policies and guidelines, annual reports and plans, and available job opportunities within the industry.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. The FCC promotes competition, innovation, and investment in telecommunications services. They also revise media regulations to account for new technologies and innovations.
The Regulatory Unit of Communication Services, also known as the Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones, regulates and controls the activities of telecommunications and postal services in Uruguay. This includes ensuring universal access to services, promoting competition in the media industry, setting tariffs that reflect the economy, and maintaining the protection of users' rights. This site is only available in Spanish.
The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) of Vanuatu is obligated to create new and amend existing policies in order to encourage open competition and use of communications in the country. The TRBR website contains information about its main functions, the telecommunications industry, and latest industry news.
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MTIT) of Yemen aims to provide, develop, and expand the spread of telecommunications and postal services in the republic. This site mostly contains information regarding the ministry, its communication foundation, and the postal authority. Only available in Arabic.