Building Markets is an organization that builds markets, creates jobs, and sustains peace in developing countries by connecting local entrepreneurs to business opportunities. The site provides business portals for Afghanistan, Haiti, Liberia, Jordan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Timor-Leste, and Turkey. Relevant news, media coverage, and market overview coverage for specific countries are also available on the site.

The Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) facilitates and promotes investment in the Caribbean region. The CAIPA website includes information regarding investment opportunities and incentives, as well as general information about the economies of each of its member countries.

The Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) works to direct and supervise monetary policy in the country. The site includes information on monetary policy, macroeconomic indicators, banking supervision, statistics, circulars, and payment options. The site is only available in French.

This is the official web portal for the Haitian Parliament, the governing body for the Republic of Haiti. The site contains information on the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the two main departments of the government, as well as general information on the Parliament and the Presidency. The site also provides details regarding events, international relations, press releases, elections, and online services. Site is only available in French.