The Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala, also known as Camara de Comercio, is an organization that assists in the development of the Guatemalan trade and business sectors. The site provides advice for legal, fiscal, and labor practices, information about international trade, and various publications. This site is only available in Spanish.

The Bank of Guatemala promotes, creates, and maintains monetary, credit, and exchange conditions favorable for the development of the Guatemalan economy. The site contains information about monetary policy, economic and financial information, payment systems, currency and bills, and institutional transparency. In addition, the site provides information about principal laws, economic research, research documents, publications, and press releases. This site is available in English, however, some parts are only available in Spanish.

The Guatemalan main government page provides information about the organizational structure and function of Guatemala's government. The site provides information about budget revenues and expenditures, a staff directory, recent news, and relevant documents and notices. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The Ministry of Economy is responsible for improving the business climate and increasing the country's competitiveness, improving and facilitating foreign trade, and assisting the development of enterprises. The site provides information for developing business, consumer protection, treaties and trade agreements, and investment and competition. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The Ministry of Public Health and Welfare (MSPAS), was established to ensure the right to health of the inhabitants of Guatemala. The MSPAS regulates the health services, and controls the financing and management of the resources, orienting it towards health promotion, disease prevention, and people recovery and rehabilitation with quality and equity. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The National Statistics Institute of Guatemala (INE) provides statistical information on Guatemala. The site provides statistics that cover the sociodemographic, economic, and environmental aspects of Guatemala. In addition, the site provides access to databases and publications, general public information, and reference prices. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The National Stock Exchange of Guatemala, also known as Bolsa de Valores Nacional (BVN), is responsible for providing infrastructure, services, and regulations all with the main goal of furthering the development of the economy in Guatemala. The site provides various reports and publications, information about stockbrokers and issuers, and a legal framework. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The Superintendency of Telecommunications (SIT) is a technical body of the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure, and Housing in Guatemala. SIT manages the operation of the radio spectrum, grants licenses to telecommunications providers, resolves disputes, ensures producer compliance with legislation, and promotes international treaties and agreements. This website is only available in Spanish.