The Business Advisory Council (ABAC), established in 1995, provides assistance and advice on the implementation of certain business sector priorities. The ABAC website provides a variety of resources to help inform users including links to business resources, research projects conducted by the ABAC, upcoming meetings and events, and recent news releases. Additionally, the website highlights their work program, which works to enhance growth and prosperity throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The "news and media" section of the website also includes an archive of past newsletters published by the council.
This is the official website of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which is "the premier forum for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade, and investment in the Asia-Pacific region." This website includes information regarding the recent news, economies of the 21-member countries, a business center, publications, a virtual library, topics of discussion within APEC, and a database of useful links. Additionally, the site includes a tab that summarizes availability and sources of APEC project funding.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides insight into from an Australian standpoint. This site contains a basic overview of the history of APEC, Australia's responsibility within the trade bloc, and a list of upcoming APEC meetings. Additional links provided by this site include declarations and statements, media releases, and Business Advisory Council reports relating to APEC.
Canadian Foreign Affairs and International Trade provides insight into from a Canadian standpoint. The site provides information for APEC declarations to Canada, Canadian business involvement in APEC, summaries of APEC summits, and news releases.
The Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), containing the world's largest economies, is organized to expand trade and investment through fostering open markets. This site features information about events, programs, objectives and activities of the Council, news, committees, and publications. Publications available in PDF.
StatsAPEC is an online database which provides statistics about key demographic and economic indicators as well as bilateral linkages for member countries of . Users may find specific data by selecting countries to compare, indicator, and year in which the data was collected. A useful glossary of terms also defines the indicators that are provided by the website.
The U.S. Department of State, responsible for international relations of the United States, offers a variety of regional topics including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The section includes recent news and developments regarding APEC.
The United States National Center for is a U.S. business association focused on facilitating American private sector engagement within APEC. This site provides information about current issues, center events, and publications which include case studies about different aspects of APEC. Also included is a media section that contains a number of useful resources such as a blog, press releases, and a video library that provides more information regarding recent events related to the trade bloc. Key documents available in PDF.